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SOG_DJmorphosis Blog

the following takes place between 2000 and 2010

this blog post is a farewell to one of the bettershows on TV. watching Jack Bauer "save the day in a day" over the course of 24 episodes has been a fun thing (almost as fun as trying to guess which co-stars will not die a horrible death:P ). It was something too look forward to on a Monday that mightotherwise be event-less.

for those of you who don't follow Twenty-Four the show stars Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer an an agent of CTU LA branch the is "Counter Terrorist Unit" events happen in real time within the hour long episodes with each season making up 1 real life day, hence the title24. each season/day can be separated by any amount of time from months to years and depict some terrorist plot being carried out while Jack and CTU try to stop it.

SPOILER ALERT: a few things have happened every season to the best of my memory without fail ! there is always a traitor or mole inside CTU working to undermine them 2. at least 1 co-star dies 3. jack does something that makes the higher ups at CTU want to arrest him.

despite the above mentioned events a day is usually a thrilling, entertaining, and action filled season with the ever present possibility that the conspiracy goes even farther, and there being plenty of opportunities for jack to show of his Spec-Forces skills by shooting, stabbing, and otherwise blowing up or punching-in-the-facethe baddies

im sure that most of the peopple that watch this show (like myself) who believe that not all 24 days are created equal. but the show as a whole has had a great run in the 10 years its been around.

so long Jack(hope the movie rumors are true)

Employment (or Lack There of)

*sigh* I know thestate ofAmerican economy in specific (and the world economy in general) has proven dificult for many people but i canot help but feel that i am in a less favorable position than most other Americans

here's a little bit of my sob story: I'm 20 years oldand unemployed withabout a weeks worth of job experienceas a pipe- bender operator, i live in California with my parents and twin brother in a 2bed 2 bath apartment we don't have the "credit" to move out of and my mother is the only one with an actual "job" my dad is disabled and on kidney dialysis. my first plan was join the army went to the requiter's office and got set up to take the ASVAB (scored a 95), so I'mall happy that i qualify for any job in the army then they tell me that becauseI have a "GED"( even though it says DIPLOMA on the thing they gave me after taking the C.H.S.P.E.) that i had to also take this thing called the AIM test so I did and after i passed my physical they told me that i couldn't go in because i scored too low on the AIM even though they told me that there are "no wrong answers" then they dad i had to wait six month which turned out to be a year to take it again. so i spent that year looking for work,givingup Internet/xboxlive (this is brought to you courtesy of my local Library) and pretty much everything else we could do to survive. So time comes to take the test again and they tell me there's no room forguys like mewith GED's no room?

any way,I should do this more often it makes me feel better(i see the appeal of ranting now

career,insanity,or my house is bugged

I've been gaming since my parents brought home a NES with Tetrison it Since then I've played all sorts of games: short orlong; good orbad; oldornew. Now in the course of playing a gameor just doing anythingi'll say to myself or my friends (if they happen to be around or listening) "hey you know what would be great? If they made a game with this and this in it andyou could do such and such a thing".

So we'll get into this big ol' discussion about my ideas andi'll practically make a whole game in my head and they'll say something like "yep, there should be a game like that?"

I didn't think anything of it untilI started to anywhere from a month to 2 years see, play, or hear about games that are suspiciously (to varying degrees)like the onesIhave been thinking of here are a few examples:

  • an open world western game where you could ride a horse, do crimes,enforce the law, have shootouts, and otherwise do all the junk a gunslinger would do in the west.
  • game where you could assassinate people and climb up walls and blend in withe the crowd
  • game that was like planet side but wasn't an mmo but still had large battles and a squad, platoon, commander system
  • and many more....

these are just short descriptions of the thing i came up with, I've gotten a lot more in-depth while talking about specific Ideas with people and withsome of them it was only a matter of time before one was made into an actual game E.g. a star wars mmo, or a Lord of the Ringish Battlefield.something with voice controls that actually work.

Ive started writing down and drawing out these ideas of mine and there are many more that have not been for lack of a better word "taken"by some company and now have a binder full of notebooks that are steadily being filled with "stuff" weapon bibles, story plots, and other things.

so i ask you all "ShouldI pursue this as a career and how wouldI do so? Or shouldI ignore it and chalk it up to a corporate conspiracy :P (that or I'm just of my nut)?