They said it is not gambling, because the loot boxes will reward the player with something regardless if the player wants it, it is similiar to the concept like playing poker in casino, u lose money and then they give u a chocolate bar as a consolation prize, then it is not gambling !? what a bullcrap!
Despite the reward of loot box is not real money, but if the reward is something people will desperately want to buy/spend in order to acquire it regardless of any purposes, then it has a value.
u get random chances to unlock something from loot boxes, then it is called gambling !
@wendayy: thats why i had mentioned this [ I believed the only reason people wants to buy a console is because of exclusive games and .....] and i think it is worthless for the sole purpose to just being able to play exclusive games, u silly Fk
It is just some purple nerves tangled on that old rifle, not something spectacular, they could release for everyone, but instead only restricted to pre-order, wut a stupid idea !
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