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Ok, pretty new to this gen. Had xbox (original) and PS1 before that. Always waited till one console just grabbed my attention. This gen difficult. I really can't decide. 360 has alot of good games and the achievement system is great, my mate shwed me how it works, and i think its cool. So i nearly bought one as the PS3 doesn't have one. Until they mentioned home. Does anyone know how the trophies will work? and will we get them for all games? Then i saw demo's for heavenly sword, and the lead charactor looks amazing. Almost real. Then I saw "the Agency" MMO, again - sweeet. Halo 3 looks like Halo 2 with extra shiny bits. But Ace combat 6 is coming out on 360 first. But then, Unreal is optimised for PS3. A major factor is i saw transfomers yesterday, and love it. best film ever, took me right back to my childhood. Beats superman returns for movie remakes. So If transformers comes to blu ray, then i will bow before sony, if its to hd dvd, then maybe microsoft. I understand blu ray better for films, but not much advantage for games because of read speed apparently. And the killzone trailer looks awsome. So i would appreciate info on trophies vs achievments, Sony online vs live and blu ray vs hddvd. Then hopefully come friday, i'll be walking into game with 100% certainty of which i want to purchase. And is PS3 and PSP connectivity good? I loved original MGS, but also loved original forza. And red ring of death is quite a worrying topic, even with the 3year warranty. Help me guys!
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So its not technically a PS3 price cut. Just a shift around for Sku's. And they canned the emotion chip for you folks in the USA. So, basically, lies and betrayal? Microsoft 360's have the red ring, true. But they have apologised and put their hands up, and are taking a 1billion hit for it? So, (although mine has never failed) they are taking it all on board and giving us all 3 years warranty from date of purchase. And also improving the tech (65nm) by fall this year. Bif respect to them for realising a mistake and taking measures to sort it all out. And Sony are shafting everyone!MGS4, the game that has a million shades of brown (funny its that colour?)isn't gonna shift many more PS3's. The only game that looks entertaining is "the Agency", and thats coming to PC aswell. But blu rayhas alot of promise! Though the one in the PS3 only reads at 2x, which is no better than the speed of DVD in 360. Whilst all consoles have got their problems, PS3 is doing little to address theirs, and its gonna make their next gen really really hard as they are playing catch up. (all this is purely my opinion)

Oh and Killzone 2? Those that say its already the Halo killer, i mean, come on? I'm not gonna say its crap, cos its early days. But to better halo is a brave statement. Halo 2 gave us duel weilding, maybe killzone 2 with give you guys the ability to jump this time? And looks better than halo 3? No chance. Halo 3 has colour, and never pretended to look like its previous pre-rendered counterpart.

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Yes, I think they should pull the plug on their console outing, and focus solely on PC games and software, that would be better for everyone concerned.ShmenonPie

Thats a well thought opinion. I was just thinking same thing about sony, should just concerntrate on cell phones. Instead they are pushing Blu ray and Cell into everthing. Maybe SonyPictures will make a film about them too. Say "Crouching Cell,hidden costs" and "house of the flying blu ray disks", or"The last playstation", maybe even "curse of theswollen gaystation". But to be fair, i think Nintendo should do afilm too, "crunching numbers, hire accountants", "curse of the consumer demand", "house of the gold leaf wallpaper".Bottom line M$ and Ninty own this Gen, and unless Sony can cure diseases with thier home super computer and 4D graphics, i cant see them in the next gen

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Not a Chance. They have money to burn. And their console is hit with the RROD, but they put their hands up and arepayin a 1billion price for it. Not to mention they joining Live with PC users. I'll be happy with my 360 and Wii, and I can use my Gamer tag on my PC to. Its all win. No fancy "home(less)" gimmick, no forcing of HD optical format, just hardcore gaming. And hardcore gaming is where it all started. The next gen will see them get everything right. They were first in and will be first out, but first out with a new entry into the next gen. They have the money to make their next console better in every way. By the time developers figure out the cell, there willl be something better. Blu ray in the PS3 at 2x Read Speed? Pah, they will better that too. So Sony, its like this - ya messed up, your price drop doesn't cover the fact your console is still out performed by (older) technology, and you sacked Ken 3 years too late! (for the record, i owned PS1 and PS2), but could see the grave PS3 had already Dug.
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on the contrary. they are gettin alot of publicity out of it. and although negative, have ust announced the extended warranties and suddenly become the good guys cos they can say"we are goona throw and lose 1bil" at the issue. Most consoles have a bad start. and i dont think the internet and press have helped with the issue. i still think its all hyped, and the figures are actually much lower.
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Here's a really good formula: 360 problem + MS throwing money at problem = problem resolved! All gamers + there 360's now under 3 year warranty = lots of fun! Better working 360's + warranty + improving hardware + Live + halo 3 + gamers having fun = a state of success Sony would give their left leg for. (had to get that in there).

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the 1billion is for Current and future warranties. That ill take into account investments in all shipping, call centres, and service etc. What ever the cost. The point is, they are doing something for their loyal customers. They are also making better hardware to prevent future failures. And lets be honest, 1billion won't be missed. I respect them for takin it on the chin, hands up, yeah we've got a few problems, but hey we will sort it no matter how much it costs. They have such resources that if in the unlikely event they lose this gen, next gen they will blow the competition away.

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360 failure rate all boils down to whether you're a fan boy or not. A PS3 fan boy will tell you its 30%. Personally i think if it was 30%, Microsoft woulda reacted alot earlier. I aknowledge 360 has some hardware issues, but they are seriously hyped up. i've never had it go wrong. And just caught wind of that PS3 song on you tube today. Damn thats funny