7TH RONIN-So what you're saying with the sales numbers you just posted is that since only 127,000 ps3s were sold in february that people would rather buy a ps2 than a ps3 ! ! ! and by larger than a 2 to 1 ratio!!! You're funny !
7TH RONIN-Maybe if you went anywhere on this website besides this article you'd find the February numbers on THIS website. How can I be a "non-true" console gamer when I've owned the original SEGA and Nintendo, SEGA Genesis, N64, PS1, Dreamcast, PS2, XBOX and XBOX360. I've never played a game on the PC. Obviously you feel that anything other than a Japanese RPG is a PC game. Based on Bioware's history with console RPGs (Nights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire) I can garauntee you Mass Effect will be a better RPG than anything the tired Final Fantasy series can produce.
I'm in sales and I've learned that numbers don't lie. Has anyone read the February gaming sales numbers posted on this website? the Xbox 360 sold around 228,000 and the PlayStation 3's 127,000. SONY can no longer use system shortage as an excuse because they're sitting on store shelves everywhere. Check out the top ten games sales, Top 10 games for February, 2006, based on number of units sold: 1. Crackdown--Xbox 360 2. Wii Play with Wii Remote--Wii 3. Diddy Kong Racing--DS 4. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess--Wii 5. Guitar Hero 2 bundle--PlayStation 2 6. Gears of War--Xbox 360 7. MLB 2K7--Xbox 360 8. Lost Planet--Extreme Condition--Xbox 360 9. WarioWare: Smooth Moves--Wii 10. NBA Street Homecourt--Xbox 360 7TH RONIN-I can play everyone of those xbox360 games on xbox live with my brother stationed in South Korea from here in America. I don't think that's something sony can offer me
7TH RONIN how can you discount microsofts contribution to online gaming with xbox live. SEGA tried to do it with the Dreamcast and almost went bankrupt. More gamers play xbox live than those who own a ps3
I had an xbox, ps2 and now an xbox360. I keep hearing everyone argue that after you pay for xbox live that it adds up and quickly makes it more expensive than a ps3. Are all ps2 and ps3 games free to play online? I thought most online ps games you had to pay a small monthly subscription fee. It's also my understanding that with sony's online strategy it makes it difficult to track down what your friends are playing. All i know is that for $49.99, I'm getting more than my money's worth for how easy xbox live makes online gaming. One screan name, I can see what all my friends are playing, I can send voice invites and download new content and game demos in the backround. It's all so easy and seamless my 4 year old daughters played Halo 2 online. I'd pay $100 bucks a year for xbox live and sony can't touch it.
7th ronin, did you know they haven't even released Halo 2 on the pc yet? How long ago did it come out on xbox? Do you really think it will be any different with Halo 3? What kind of games are Mass Effect, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey and Forza Motorsport 2? Did you even read what this article is about or were you just too busy being a hater? If Sony would drop the price $200 instead of force feeding me Blu Ray I'd pick one up !
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