Telling someone not to compare you to "retarded" fanboys, then insulting everyone who disagrees or saying they haven't played the game while slinging around derogatory remarks kind of means you are the worst fanboy. A close minded, childish, belligerent and unintelligent fanboy that shuts down while calling others fanboys in a move of utter hypocrisy.
So yes, you won't be compared, because you are worse then them and have nothing notable to tell people. Coming from a series fan that bought and finished RE6 entirely co-op, RE6 is not very good, and that is putting it much lighter then I think. Unlike you, I won't insult and belittle those that enjoy it unless they tell me I should enjoy it and insult and belittle me and others who don't like it.
I think that guy perfectly proves my point, that these people consider what they think to be facts and shut down what others believe. Its the mark of a child or a really bad troll to do that.
RE6 has had its controls knocked by many reviewers, because they aren't great or intuitive and there are many issues with the camera. Factually speaking, the camera is more finicky and less stable then those of other games, whether or not it kills the game for you is your opinion, but saying they are amazing because they don't and insulting others for disagreeing is showing that you aren't someone worth acknowledging.
I can't quite understand what propels someone to insult the reviewer, when on the other end of the ladder other people are insulting the good reviewers for caving to pressure or liking a game they hated.
People should understand what an opinion is, then shut up about the opinions of others if they already have their own (and thus shouldn't waste their time caring about what others think), or if they haven't even touched the game and are propelled by blind fanboyism.
Majority = 69 on Metacritic, so not really. If someone bought the game day 1 with their own $60 despite the negativity, then their opinions are definitely not to be cared for. Its a bias, and that doesn't make for a good review.
That's honestly all I wanted, RE5 with the RE4 inventory and some modern stuff they could have taken off Dead Space (like the improved save, customization and aiming while moving).
I wasn't asking for a revolution, I like the ambition but it holds itself back in the wrong ways.
@IanNikou I doubt Dishonored will fail, it looks like a fantastic new IP, whereas Resident Evil 6 had so many issues from the outset, and even if Dishonored is flawed in some way there's no way it will be nearly as bad as Resident Evil 6 was.
I guess that's subjective, but RE6 is just very poorly made, but I can see how it could be enjoyable or easy to get used to some of the bad design.
Hopefully my OC GTX 460 can get at least around 60 frames on normal to high settings. This announcement alone made me switch my pre order from PS3 to PC version, so here's hoping the extra wait is worth it.
SPYDER0416's comments