why would you even want original firmware? thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard in my life! oh well, hes a naruto fan, i should only expect that... :roll:
does anyone know of any open-source firmware for mp3 players. I know of rockbox but, i don't want an ipod or an archos and the rest are uber-expensive.
ok... first you take it apart and take out the guts and shil. next you spray it white so that it doesn't come out crappy. let that coat dry and then put a coat of what ever color you want on there. (I recommend red though) viola! i'm not sure if the mini ps2 guts come out though. i know the big ps2 guts come out
wow dude you are really lucky it came out. if that was me i probably would have taken it back to the store... taken it apart and broken it because i'm dumb. or i would have taken it apart and, by a stroke of luck, gotten it together perfectly fine but, later it broke and the "do not remove or warranty shall be void" stickers are removed and the guy at sony would get pissed and send it back to me and i would smash it with a hammer.
yeah uhhh... don't go with either. they both suck and i think you should get something better like loco roco or medal of honor heroes. but, if you so choose the path of crappy games go with killzone
Okay... I'll tell you what you should get. You should get the PSP. I even own a DS and would rather have a PSP. PSP is way cooler because you can put homebrew on it and play THE ORIGINAL SUPER MARIO BROS. 3!!! How awesome is that! Even though to put homebrew on you have to downgrade your bios, but its worth it! Plus, if you own/know anyone that has a PS3 then you can hook it up and download original PS1 games like Syphon Filter(i know) and Gran Turismo(i think). Okay, now the DS. The only thing going for it is the sheer amount of puzzle games that don't suck. If you like puzzle games buy a DS. If you like more mature games (MGS) buy a psp. It's Simple! VERDICT: PSP!
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