SSJ100Vegeto's forum posts
It's pretty basic, did you not learn the rules? I remember learning them at some point, but collegiate level algebra has replaced all of my basic math functions. I think in terms of derivatives and complex equations Q.Q
Take the second derivative of the equation F prime X and plug C in for X in the function!
Anyway, if 3/4/5 all go into a number, say...60...then all factors of 60 should be divisible by all three.
60 is divisible by 3/4/5, so 120 should be too, and 180, and so on.
Galaxy was good, sunshine was better. Mario 64 was above both. Most people didn't seem to like Sunshine for some odd reason though. Dang conformists...
I agree with Topic Starter Guy, way too linear, no exploration. That was what made SM64/Sunshine fun. Galaxy lacked that, so I never even bothered playing all the way through it.
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