j-bldes, your comment there almost had me laughing out loud. I can happily say I own a Ps3, PC and Xbox 360 (and a Wii... but thats not really relevant here) and I can honestly say that there are some PS3 games that look far better than some Xbox 360 games, there are plenty of 360 games that look better than some Ps3 games, and there are PC games that look better than both. Every games platform has its strengths, which theres no point going into here, but suffice to say that there are plenty of games on all three platforms that have made me think 'wow'. I'd be hard pushed to pick one game on 360 or PS3 that looks definitively better than anything the other platform is capable of. As for not buying a game that looks the same and doesnt improve over the first one, good for you. I certainly wouldn't do that, unless the story was particularly engaging and the game fun to play, but then, who plays games for fun these days anyway? Glad God of War 3 is shaping up to be such a huge advance in gameplay and visuals though. I mean, if it looked and played the same as the last PS2 game, that'd be pretty damn embarassing, wouldnt it...
Gamespot did (sort of vaguely) say what specs it had Tutuz. Anyway, graphics look surprisingly close. Unfortunately just comparing the visuals in a single frame doesn't help at all without any kind of comparison of how smoothly they run. In any event, all 3 look great, and I wouldnt be unhappy to play any of the games on any of the three systems. In fact, the only real thing I can really tell a difference with is the lack of antialiasing on the PS3, which gives every game a jagged edge effect which really spoils the effect sometimes, especially when a game is only running in 720p on a 1080p capable TV. Been playing Valkyria Chronicles lately, and whilst the game looks beautiful, the jagged edges real spoil some aspects of the visuals. Most Xbox 360 games feature antialiasing of at least 2x, and all PC games can support it (given the graphics card is up to the job), so it seems a real shame that the PS3 just doesnt seem to want to. It surely must have the power in there. As for comments about "xbox has better quality games / ps3 has better quality games / pc has better quality games" its all a matter of taste. I personally own more recent games for the X360 than the others, mainly because I always buy multiplatform releases for it so I can play with fellow Xbox-owning friends, and because there are more unique IPs on the Xbox that I prefer to play. But that doesnt mean I dont fully enjoy the handful of unique IP's I have on the PS3 or PC, either.
The game *looks* stunning. A pity then that it plays the same as Far Cry did back when it was released... I had hoped for something a little more interesting. As it is, it just feels like a been there, done that kind of game. Pretty? Hell yes. But its got less depth than a roadside puddle.
seriously, people need to see the game in motion to appreciate the graphics properly. On a standalone, motionless screencap, they don't hold up to the likes of Gears of War or Bioshock. But when you take in the huge vistas and see the amount of stuff thats going on in every area, its hard not to be blown away.
er, yeah, great. I'm not really seeing any particularly interesting changes here that would make me buy one if I didnt already own one, and certainly nothing that'd make me want to upgrade mine. I'd much, much rather Sony worked on getting some hal;f-decent games onto the damn machine. Mine seems to do little other than play Portable Ops and mp3s nowadays.
I don't think Vista is overpriced, really. The upgrade editions are pretty reasonable for the Home and Home Premium packages- and they're all most people need / want anyway, unless you're a business. But they're the same price as Windows XP was when it came out over here, and when you consider inflation over the last 7 or so years, thats pretty reasonable. I won't be getting it yet, though. Some of my hardware doesnt have Vista drivers yet. But I certainly intend to asap.
I have to admit I'm not entirely sure what the point of this article really is... I mean, like the article says, Vista isn't out for another half a year or so yet... and is still in early prerelease beta. I'll be interested in seeing this article again but until then, I can't say I'm particularly interested... But then, to be honest, I don't have a PC for the games. Just because Vista might not support my current games right off the bat won't stop me upgrading to all the other nice new shiny bits of functionality. As for MAC OS, many of my friends have Macs and swear by them. But the OS is far from fully backwards compatible...
hmm. I think I might be the only person in the world who actually prefers dual analogue over mouse and keyboard =/ maybe its that I've been playing console FPS's since Doom for the PS1, but I just find the controller much easier somehow. Weird XD As far as the price issues go though.. well, for me to upgrade my PC to something capable of running a game like Prey with maximum settings, I'd be talking about a brand new machine, since my motherboard is a couple of years old and doesnt have PCI-E ports. Assuming I'm going for something top of the range, and a monitor capable of running 1920x1080, I'd be looking at somwhere around £1500, in the UK at least. Thats a lot of cash for something that won't play top-of-the-range games at maximum quality in 6 months time. If I buy a console, whether its a 360 at £280 or a PS3 at whatever price it comes out at, I can get a HDTV as well for the same price as the PC, and know that i won't need to upgrade anything for the next 5 years until the next wave of consoles reaches the market. That ease of mind is what does it for me, everytime. DCportoXBOX, i completely agree with ya!
I've been a PC gamer for years, and I'm completely worn out of the constant need to upgrade, the constant need to make sure the PC is running the latest drivers and is running stabily. With the 360, you can play the same damn game, looking better than it does on the average PC, and not only do you get the smooth framerates, you also get the wonderful fact that you don't and wont ever need to upgrade or replace anything in order to make the game run as well as it was intended. Oblivion was the main game that convinced me of that- sure, the 360 port lacks some features and the customisability of its PC counterpart, but it looks and runs a hundred times better than on my mid-end PC, and I'm happy to sacrifice that. Other people aren't, and that's fine for them. But I'd much rather have a game that runs smoothly, stabily, and hassle-free.
1. - Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn) - arguably the best roleplaying game of all time, and a true landmark in storytelling in videogames. The incredible world, setting, detail and characters makes this game so memorable and replayable that it just has to be here. 2. - Shenmue 2 (Dreamcast) the original, and best, version of the fantastic game. Why's it the best? Because you don't have to put up with the American dub, thats why... 3. - Vandal Hearts (Playstation)- underplayed and underacknowledged tactical fantasy adventure, with an incredible cast of characters and some truly excellent battle mechanics. 4. -Virtual On: Oratorio Tangrem (or something like that...) (Dreamcast). the ultimate Mech fighting game. Yeaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! Its so outrageously cool and fun to play that everyone really needs to play this. 5. - hmm, tough to choose a fifth. So many!! I guess... hmm, yeah, gotta go with NiGHTS (Saturn) I suppose... simply because, again, its so unknown and so underplayed... but just brilliant.
STARS_Splinter's comments