well i'm done with bowling for this week. our team only won 2/4 games on monday it was a rough night i did ok i only got a 623 series. but we are still in second place so thats good. the only thing is, the only way we are going to catch up to first place is if we bowl against them and beat them. we've beat them 3/4 before but we have'nt bowled them in a while so they keep beating everyone else and winning all four games EVERY TIME!!! we should play them soon though so we can beat them and take the lead. oh yea tonight we won all 4 it was pretty good for us except that the first place team did also. there was a tie for first and a tie for second. we in the tie for second. the records were:
our team... 16 -12
second place team ... 16- 12
and the two tied for first... 18- 10
so now it is:
1st.... 22-10
us... 20-12
3rd... 18-14
4th... 16-18
so if we beat the first place team we will be in first woohoo
thats all for this week but i'll keep you all updated