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Great Games No One Played (part 1, probably)

It's so great to find some new piece of music (or even better, a band) to love. That doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it can be a great feeling, and in the best case you'll find something that you'll like and can appreciate for the rest of your life, or at least until you get old and start listening to some old people's crap like polka or classical music It's the same thing with games. There are many good games which everyone likes, and then there are those other great games from which very few have had the privilege to enjoy, due to poor marketing, poor press coverage or The Devil. Whatever the reasons, these are games that are way too unknown, and which I urge you to try. I'll write about these when I have the time, and here's the first one.


Back in the day this was the **** If you happen to like games like Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, this is definitely not for you. If on the other hand you happen to love those JRPGs, you'll like this game too, as it's just like Final Fantasy, except it's set in the future, it's made by some American people and there's very few angsty, pointy-haired teens with huge swords which don't compensate for anything, not at all. Instead, there's this guy who's a private dick named Sly Boots (sic). He lives on an artificial planet called Anachronox, and like every other P.I. in the known universe, is mostly unemployed and has a shabby office somewhere in the worse parts of the city. Some shady character comes to his office and gives Sly a mission in which he has to retrieve an artifact for said shady character. And show the game begins. For some reason there are not many PC games of this kind around, in addition of Anachronox and Septerra Core, which is too bad, because both of these are pretty great games. As I stated before, the game mechanics are very similar to those Japanese RPGs, so the battles are turn-based, there's leveling up, healing items, lots of adventuring to do and kinda tight environments. At the time this came out, Ion Storm wasn't exactly the most favorite game studio of all, because in the year 2000 they released that piece of crap Daikatana, which soiled Ion's reputation for good. Be sure to check Anachronox out, as you can get it very cheaply from ebay nowadays.

Which one of the big 3 will I buy?

Kind of a hard question, innit?
If someone held me at gunpoint right now and made me to pick one of the next gen consoles, I'd propably say: PS3.

I would love to say "Revolution" though. Too bad Nintendo didn't show virtually anything for it. Come on, at least the controller would'we been nice.

Actually I have made a decision to wait for another year, see what kind of game libraries have these consoles accumulated and then buy one of those. At this point in time, it seems that PS3 will (again) get the most interesting games with XBOX and Revolution coming in it's wake with few good games and couple of exclusives. Hell, I'd propably buy Revolution at some point anyways even if Nintendo were the only company making games for it.

Just like last time, I think Microsoft's machine will be carried home last. Just like last time: Not enough great exclusives to bother and pretty but soulless graphics. Come on, did y'all see the games for it? Where's innovation?

Oh well, we'll see about that when all the consoles are actually in stores. For now, it'll be PS3, Revo, 360, in that order.

Before those, though, I'll get me NDS. Nintendogs and Electroplankton looksed cool enough to make that decision.

Peace out.

E3 Madness

Oh man... I only can feel sorry for the people that are actually in E3.
Only watching that insane number of people crowding, wanting to see a glimpse of that new hit game or jumping up and down to get some free stuff makes me sweat.

Lots of great stuff, though: Lionhead's The Movies looked sweet, and I can't wait to get my hands on that puppy.
Speaking of puppies, today I decided to get myself Nintendo DS. The sole reason for that is Nintendogs, which looked sweet also. I've always been a sucker for that kind of games (Animal Crossing, Pokemon, etc).
Oh, and Godfather looked more fun than I expected. Sadly they didn't show any car action, only shooting, running around and kicking the crap out of some guy, after which the said guy fell of the roof.

Only bad thing about E3 is that it's now 4 am here and I have to get up to work in 3 hours :p

Well, c'est la vie, or sellasta se on.