If they were revolutionary, they wouldn't be using it. They would be building off of it.
combining with the tablet is building off of it. they show how at e3
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If they were revolutionary, they wouldn't be using it. They would be building off of it.
combining with the tablet is building off of it. they show how at e3
If any of this were true, then the Wii U would feature a followup to motion controls. Instead, it features a tablet. It may support motion plus, but motion was enough of a dead end for Nintendo to drop it outside of basic gyro support for the new controller.
Shigeru Miyamoto said on Iwata Asks: "Right now I'm planning that people can still be able to use their Wii Remote controllers that they already have, which means this time you now have five controllers to play with."
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata clarified: "You mean this new controller and four Wii Remote Plus controllers for a total of five".
Miyamoto went on to say that although "people play in many combinations", he feels "like the Wii Remote has pretty much become its ideal form with the Wii Remote Plus".
nintendo is still using it. its just as far as they can advance at the moment
Oh please. You have terribly low standards for "revolutionary" if you think Skyward Sword was revolutionary anything. The only reason motion controls caught on was because of Wii Sports, not crappy Zelda games that sold terribly and is now $35 bomba with free controller. Wii U doesn't have motion controls and their TP demo used analogue sticks and buttons, so you are already wrong.
My point still stands. 6 million to 3.4 million is a massive decline. Even Link's Crossbow Training sold 3 million so don't go beating your cheat.
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has declared that The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword is revolutionary. Why? It's all down to the new control system which enables you to switch items quickly.
During the latest Iwata Asks discussion, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma said: "In The Legend of Zelda games you have to be able to switch items in a flash. Until now, you had to open the item screen and choose the Bow or a bomb, disrupting the flow of the game. And that didn't seem right even to me. But the director Fujibayashi-san and Tanaka-san in charge of UI [user interface] totally resolved that big problem."
Zelda Skyward Sword director Ryuji Fujibayashi explained how he did this: "We were using Wii MotionPlus, so I wanted to do something revolutionary even for switching items, and what I came up with was quickly switching items without having to look at an item screen."
To which Satoru Iwata added: "Item selection without looking at the screen. That truly is revolutionary."
Iwara knows better than some people on a website :roll: six million to 3.4 million from years to a few months is not a decline
No faith in your own opinion you have to fall back on "paid professionals"?
I don't see why you're so offended by people talking negatively about the game. Is there really a need to resort to name calling?
researchers cite the work of professionals in scientific fields. same thing
name calling? I just call them like I see them
I'm sure you are the good 50%, seeing as you can control Skyward Sword, the ultimate intelligence test.
And lol at "resistant to change". I don't care about motion controls, I've played plenty of games that implemented them well and others that fell flat on their face. Skyward Sword has elements of both, and is far from the best. Stop acting like it is something revolutionary. The next Zelda won't have motion controls no matter what Aonuma's twisted dreams say.
And it sold less than 2 million worldwide. Twilight Princess sold 6 million. SS is a terrible bomba. Everyone knows this.
motion controls are revolutionary. its why the wii curbstomped the other two consoles and why they ended up copying the wii. skyward sword is the culmination fo years of motion control gaming, unlike anything else. the next zelda will have motion controls because nintendo knows where the future lies
it sold over 3.4 million in less than two months. get your facts straight :roll:
In your opinion. The motion controls ruined the experience for me, and apparently many others.
in my opinion and the opinion of millions and millions of others and the opinion of paid professional journalists. all the whiners are doing are making up lies about twisting arms to play when that isnt the truth at all
Of course they will always exist. Difference is in SS they detract from the positive experience.
I also wouldn't say "vast" minority. It's the minority, yes, but it's growing steadily with time.
what motion controls do well vastly outnumbers what they do less than excellent. the experience is very positive in the end
and the people loving and buying skyward sword is also rising. the ratio is always the same. people who played and loved the game in the grand majority and haters and whiners in the itty bitty minority.
You continue to harp on the "perfection" thing for some reason. :roll:
Like I said, feel free to enjoy the game. You're most certainly not alone. But as a series fan, I see it as a weak entry, one of the worst, and possibly the worst of the 3D entries.
and you keep harping on about flaws when they will always exist :roll:
of course im not alone, millions and millions bought and loved skyward sword. people like the op are in the vast minority
Only a moron? Then please address all the complaints about the controls - I'm sure 50% of the world is just morons :roll: Even these "perfect" reviews mention the tacked on controls. Skyword Bomba sold terribly btw and deservedly so.
50%? thats a conservative estimate.
people are always resistant to change. they wouldnt believe galileo when he said the earth moved around the sun and they wont believe motion is the future. in what world did it sell terribly? not this one. here it sold millions and millions in a few months
Skyward Sword has puzzles a 4 year old can solve. If this is your idea of "hard" then you need to play better games that aren't broken. Is Superman 64 hard? Last I heard no one finished that game.
what genius 4-year-olds can solve is irrelevant. only a moron would think skyward sword is broken. broken games dont sell millions and millions and score tons of 9s and 10s across reviews
Are we seriously comparing SS to the Wright Brothers? :lol:
Seriously, yo. You're free to like the game all you want. But it is flawed to hell and back, not just with the controls but pretty much everything else.
why not? they both introduced innovations. the impact the wright brothers had on transportation is similar to the impact skyward sword has on gaming
everything is flawed. perfection doesnt exist. that doesnt make skyward sword any less good and the whiners any less fanboyish
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