Were the grunt players playable in RE style, over-the-shoulder THIRD-person (peripheral vision is still limited enough to leave players vulnerable to sneak attacks), as distinct from only the nauseating floaty-hands perspective, I'd have given this a try. Were Predators playable in co-op -- say, two or three of them, well outnumbered by grunts -- and had they included fully fleshed-out bot support for said co-op game mode/s, it would have elevated it to "instant buy" status.
However, with the game being wholly multiplayer-centric (an effective MMO), and everyone certainly wanting to play as the titular hunter (thus, mostly unable to -- as proofed by this review, as well as other feedback), the game's community will be dead in a few weeks, and the game itself unplayable. Couple that with the aforementioned peeves, and it's another case of a good license, idea and opportunity, spurned.
Horrible game. Absolute garbage. If the earlier DR's were little more than brain-dead deadite decapitations, DR3 is the lobotomise version thereof.
Both design-wise and technically, the game is shovelware. The city is too small and constricted; weapons are boring; zombies are more annoying litter than anything threatening; limited vehicle selection; lock doors aplenty, making it feel even more linear; tacked-on co-op functionality; runs like Batman Arkham Knight on a ColecoVision console...! The game really has zer0 redeeming aspects. DR3 is not only a step back in an already shallow, albeit amusing, franchise, but a self-immolation.
Moral: Whenever Crapclown release an IP on a new game engine, AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE. DR3, RER2, SFV -- the irrefutable proof of their curdled puddings is in projectile vomit tasting.
@Forcecaster You should try PLAY the PC version (IF you can get it to run at all / above 10fps) and then you'll see how generous a 3/10 (and how ridiculous a 7) is.
Sablicious' comments