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Sacif Blog

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West thoughts

Last night i was in the mood to buy a new game. Over the past several weeks I had been engulfing myself with some classics. KOTOR and Deus Ex had been controlling my life and I decided it was time to check out the first of this Fall's crop of good games.

The first game I went for is Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. I had played the demo recently and I thought it was enjoyable enough to purchase and I am very glad that I did. The experience is not only gorgeous to look at but also fun. Action games are not exactly my forte but this is an exception. The challenges that are presented are not only cerative but also, at times, challenging.

The story is engrossing and watching the relationship between Trip and Monkey develop is touching considering the situation that they are in. The emptiness of the environments and cities is eerie and a subtle warning is given about our own future (or I am reading too much into it) being ran by machines that we create and then turn on us. Probably not, but my love of science fiction literature and our possible impending doom from robotic dominance has me wondering if the creators were trying to send a subtle message.

Anyways, the game is fun and well worth the 60 bucks. Once I am done with this game I am wanting to check out Vanquish..another robot filled sci-fi adventure :D

Persona 3 Portable

Picked this game up today. I have missed persona 3, it is by far the best in the series (although I have not played 4 yet). I only had about an hour to play the game before I had to work but tonight its goodness shall consume my evening.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.


Amazed at how far I have falen

For the past week or so I have been digesting Star Craft 2. I had played the original from its release all the way up to about 5 years ago when I switched over to DoTA and WoW. First off I will say that playing more casual games like WoW (casual as in the amount of skill it takes not meaning in the degree of play time allotted) really puts a dent in the ability to react to situations quickly.

I thought that I would be able to jump right into SC2 and be able to compete on a decent level. The beta proved me wrong in that aspect so I decided to go through the campaign and hone some skills prior to jumping into the multiplayer realm.

The campaign is stellar. It flows smoothly and the storyline is just as amazing as the first SC. I will not do a full review since for whatever reason I can never find flaws with Blizzard games (just like Bioware I am incredibly biased lol) so to me the game could not be better.

After getting a few missions under my belt I decided to jump into some MP action and do some 2v2 battles. First of all the MP is just as fun as I remember and the fast paced style that is Star Craft never felt smoother or more enjoyable. This did not change he fact that I got utterly slaughtered. I know I know, it takes time to get used to the game and learn how to play especially from taking such a long soujourn from the original. Even on battles that I don't lose I don't feel that I contributed much but a win is a win. I have begun to forwarned my teammates that I am not very good. One person I played with was very helpful and gave me a lot of tips that I am still using in my most recent fights.

I am always open for new tips and strategies and also people to play with. So if you want to PM me your real id I would be happy to add you.

Have a great weekend!

The New Build

I have been wanting to do a fresh build on my gaming machine for a long long time. About 10 years ago I entered the foray of custom build computers and I LOVED customizing machines and doing the research on each individual pieces to get the ultimate build for the lowest cost.

I used that machine for 7 years before it finally popped. Well, everything didn't pop but enough that I knew better than to waste the money on buying old parts and decided to start saving my samoleans to do a new build. The problem is that my parents are very over generous and they caught wind that my machine had popped and went out and bought a newer Acer (this was almost 3 years ago) and I have to admit I am really impressed with the upgrade capabilities hat come standard with their base models. Rather than doing a complete rebuild I upgraded the machine they bought me and have been using that up until now.

While doing some packing/cleaning for the move next month I uncovered a computer case that I had compeltely forgotten a friend had sold to me for cheap. It is still gorgeous and I decided to start fresh with it as the foundation. Here is a pic of the case (pulled from the internets):

Thermaltake Tsunami Case

As you can see it is muey gorgeous and I love the sleek design. :D I am really stoked about putting this bad boy together. Tonight I ordered one of the TB HDDs and the processor. All that I could really afford with rent due today but with the next paycheck I hope to have it up and running so a month from now I will be in full upgraded computer mode.

Happy Friday all!

Star Wars...The Obsession

I am not sure why but I am on a major Star Wars kick. I have always loved Star Wars but I find myself wanting to read through all of the books again.

With The Old Republic inching closer and closer to release books are being released and I picked up the first one of the series: Fatal Alliance. It is awesome and it is fueling a desire to break out the KoToRs again. This has also led me to my most recent game purchase. I never got the chance to play The Force Unleashed and I heard good and bad things so I figured I would check eBay and see if I could find a copy for cheap. 12.39 later before shipping and handling I now have a copy coming my way.

This weekend may call for a Star Wars fest. :D I hope you all enjoy your week!

New Blog Post (Couldn't think of a witty tittle)

So it has been 2 weeks since I started my WoW account back up and I forgot how much fun I have with the game. I go through the same routine. I will play for a year and then get tired of the farming/grinding/stupid fools that are a part of the game and decide that it is time to part ways. Around month 6 of no Warcraft I star getting the itch. I load up some Warcraft 3 and break into some of the books that I own and all of a sudden I am shaky and sweaty and needing my WoW fix.

In 2 weeks I am finally capable of getting into pretty much any raid that I want and the guild that I am currently in is clearing bosses easily in ICC. I really hope we can get the Lich King down in the next couple of months so I can get my Kingslayer achieve and title.

I am currently looking for players to start doing 10 man heroic ICC and the player base on my server is filled with people who want to know how to play but do not have the skill sets or the determination to become good at their class. Hopefully soon I can find a group and get in on some of that.

On a side note I noticed that about a week ago a Old Republic book dropped based on the new MMO that is coming out by Bioware. I received it today which is odd since I had ordered it the night before. Really impressed with how quickly they got it to me.

The Needle

Over the holiday weekend I started reading some of my extensive collection of Warcraft books. As a direct result I got the WoW itch again and reactivated my account. I was clean for 8 months and now the needle is back in my arm.

I have a relatively decked out druid and it is amazing how advanced people are now compared to when I left. (I left when 245 gear was still baller) and now I am getting denied raids by the same people who I used to raid with because my gear just isn't there.


I play a boomchicken names Sacif on Madoran so if you play feel free to stop by and say hello. I am typically on later at night due to my work schedule.

I am probably going to be playing WoW until Final Fantasy 14 comes out.

Overlord Impressions

Having today and tomorrow free I have found the time to play though the new ME2 DLC. In regards to the gameplay it was a lot of fun and getting an easy extra 25gp out of the hour or so of gameplay was well worth the cost.

The basic overview is that a rogue AI has taken over a cerberus facility and was in fact part of the overlord project. I won't reveal any details but the end of the mission was disturbing as well as touching. I have always loved Bioware and their ability to tell a good story and even though working the hover craft through the different zones was tedious at times it still brings another layer of fun to the mix.

I still wish the mako was part of the story, with its jerky controls and tires filled with super jump balls. Alas the mako has been laid to rest.

I finally got the "No one left behind" achivement today as well. I decided to try for it again on my third playthrough and my only mistake was I attempted the suicide mission not fully paragon or renegade. Now all thats left is to beat the game on Insane. I have done a playthrough on Hardcore but I think I will take a little break from ME2. Since I still need to finish War for Cybertron and Just Cause 2.

I wish everyone in the states a happy 4th. For those who are not in the states..well..happy Sunday :P

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