Hail all,
Category: Games
Currently playing?
Dragon Age: Origins.
Seriously have been sucked into the game. I've got a few of the DLC as well. I've finished all the DLC that I have (considering getting Witch Hunt), and am currently just playing through the story. I still haven't finished it - and I also have Awakening to play. But I'm very much enjoying the game. I just checked my playthrough time, and I'm currently at 60 hours - and I still have heaps to get through! Will be a while on this one.
Batman: Arkham Asykum
Sometimes, you just feel the need to beat up someone. Batman is extraordinary at it. I've been a batfan for a long time, I have a bunch of the comics, the movies, the graphic novels, and I've played quite a few of the games. But this is easily the best batman game yet. It's actually the best superhero game I've ever played. And it is so well representative of Batman. The best part of the game is Scarecrow (that walking down the hallway bit was amazing), and the game constantly keeps you on your toes. A good story - and after looking up the sequel, appears to be continuing well. I have completed the game.
Red Dead Redemption
I held out a while, finally I relented and bought the game. Im glad I did. Its an excellent title, with a well realised world and characters. I've only played a little of this game, and I can see just how much it has to offer. Im currently just started in Mexico, and so I've got a fair bit to play yet. I'm happy too.
Burnout Paradise
I'm playing through it again. The best car racing game I own is actually the only one I own - sadly. Still, a great game and just has so much to offer. Im currently getting all the licences, and I have about 75% of all the extras.
The Sims 3: Ambitions
A nice game to while away time on - I decided to go back to The Sims and see if I can get some of the rare stuff. So I have World Adventures but never got myself a Mummy. Working on that now. And I have Ambitions, so I want a Servo. I still haven't tried all the Ambitions, but my current guy is a Ghost Hunter, and the teenager is a Inventor in the making. So I'm getting there. Being as dectective is boring though.
Currently waiting on...
Dead Rising 2
Loved the original, and the sequels looking really good. Maybe worth it, not too sure. But I'll be getting it if the reviews are good.
Fallout: New Vegas
Love the Fallout series, and this one looks awesome. Hopefully it's as good as I hope for - but Im getting the Collector's Edition.
Those are the two games on the horizon (coming soon) that really interest me. I'm hoping the Sly Collection comes out here too - I'd definitely pick that up as well.
Cheers all,