Hail all,
Category: Travel.
So yes, I have been busy on the forums. And in this blog. And elsewhere. But most importantly, I´ve been busy here, collecting, collating and documenting my experience here in beautiful Guatemala. As I write this, Im in Antigua, though I just left Chichi (shortened abreviation the locals use) and I must say, I was very impressed.
Chichi is most famous for it´s markets, which draws thousands twice a week. I decided to head along to the Thursday ones, and was completely swamped by locals, trying to get me to purchase some amazing handicrafts. I´d never seen so many wooden carvings or beautiful afghans!
And they were at prices I couldn´t believe either. Just $15AUD for a beautifully handmade table runner, with literally dozens of colours. I´ve bought so many gifts for the folks at home, I may actually consider a lottery for some items I have to give to you all, fellow GSAU members.
Chichi is very eclectic, old world and UNESCO buildings compete with traditional Mayan architecture and ceremonies, I was lucky enough to witness one.
Still, there is always more to see, and it´s onward from there - to who knows where!?
Cheers all,