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Saga is going old-school

Hail all,

Category: General.

Last blog I typed a bit up about Toy Story 3. I felt then, as I do now, having seen it, that it is a perfect example of a bygone era of our own lives brought back. Our childhoods all seem so idyllic, looking back, don't they?

Anyway, most of you know that I am at University. I'm completing a Preperation Program - a program designed to help mature students acclimatise to being full-time students again. It's not a tough program, but I think it's a good one. It will help me evaluate what I want out of life. A personality test I took earlier this year thought that my ideal career would be as a teacher.

And strangely, it's one of the ideas I had considered. Yet I had always thought that University was closed to me. I never received great marks at school, and while I had completed it, I thought that that was the end of my education. It never occured to me to go back.

But I am back. Only, I am currently on holiday. So I decided to do something with myself on that holiday and see if I can cut it in the classroom.

So for the past two weeks, I've been going old-school, literally. I've returned to a Primary School and I've been inspecting just what is expected of a Primary School teacher. I've been watching how they interact with the children, get their attention, and inspect their homework. I've also been interacting with the children - learning how each they go at their own pace.

There is a place for me as a Primary School teacher. There is certainly enough work for it. And it's a safe job. One you know that will always be required. It's not my first option as a career, but I think it will be a good option. But I'm wanting to be sure that this is the life for me. And for that - I have decided to get some hands-on experience. I think it's going over well. And certainly, the teachers seem to enjoy my presence.

I'm not sure if this is the right career path for me but it is one that I want to fully explore before I dismiss it. It's getting easier. And being exposed to a wide variety of classrooms is helping out too. I'm learning.

Cheers all,
