@CIA_BOSS @IrishSweenz1790 I have played MGS 4 and yes it was amazing. Probably the best game I have ever played but I still think that AC has great graphics. The cities are really colourful and realistic. They feel alive and I didn't understand the problem with its movement. I had no problems at all.
@CIA_BOSS Yes this looks quite awful right now but we don't know if they are the actual graphics of the game and also ubist worst company with graphics? Uhm.. Assassin's Creed?
Well I always prefered PC over consoles but wouldnt underestimate console gaming too. I own both a kick ass computer and a PS3 and I can see that it was a good choice to have both because not every game gives you the same experience on the same machine. For example while I prefer to play Assassin's Creed or such games on my console I prefer to play Modern Warfare or Mass Effect on my computer. You cannot say that one is better than the other but the only benefit of having a console(PS3 especially) is that some of the game but pretty important ones (MGS4, GoW3, UC2, Heavy Rain etc.) are only available for them. But also console games are more expensive than PC games generally but also u dont need to pay to upgrade your console (system upgrade) but no matter what if you want to be up to date you need a few adjustments for your PC. So basically having one of both is certainly not a bad option but if you have to pick one neither of them would be a bad option too.
Sagitarii's comments