I wanted to play this game for a while and it was on sale so I bought it. The game is great, I loved it but I have this one huge problem. I completed my cases as a police officer (Buyer Beware lastly) and got my promotion. I started my first detective case did something wrong then I restarted. Then I had to leave so I quit. When I wanted to play again I wasn't able to select that case so I selected the previous one (Buyer Beware) but when I finish it, the game automatically returns to main menu and in order to go on the story I need to play the game from start. So I did it and I started to game again (2 times actually) but when I quit the game and return I always have to start all over again. How can I load my saved game? The game has auto save feature so I cannot save/load manually but then I always have to start all over again. Some help would be really nice. Thanks in advance
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