@superbuuman @xdude85 On the PC you can turn the black bars off and unlock the frame rate using console commands http://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3478446/the-evil-withins-pc-debug-commands-unlock-fps-remove-black-bars-and-toggle-god-mode
But nobody wants it. We have no reason to have respect for microsoft all they have done is not listen to the fans, give us bottom of barrel releases and a terrible drm ridden service.
Despite my views this was a very compelling argument i will admit. I just don't like to flail around my body, speak to my xbox, or really any of that it's just not a product i want. I like to be lazy while i play my video games, and my views aren't really shared by everyone i realize. A lot of it has to do with I really haven't been blown away by the kinect software-wise but, I could be entirely wrong it could end up being the new innovation to the world and i could end up completely changing my views on it i can very much respect your opinion on it. It's great hearing different peoples views in an intelligent fashion
Unlike your above poster your argument was a load of non-sense. Your metaphors are both totally irrelevant. As well as your statement about buying things.
The map app on an iPhone is a piece of software not a physical object it does not drastically increase the price of the overall product.
Do I use my spare wheel? Hell yeah i do. It's essential to transportation. Flat tires are not an uncommon occurrence. If I can't get where i need to go this affects my everyday life If i can't get to somewhere like work.
Yeah i buy things I hope i never need for safety or emergency situations. Yeah I buy things i come back too. It was my choice to buy those products in specific for what ever reason i bought them I wanted them.
The kinect is a piece of entertainment hardware I don't want so, I'm not going to pay for it and will not be forced too.
& I don't even want to go into your $75 cuff links to impress your girlfriend. I really don't even want to go into how ridiculous that is. Impressing women with your money and flashy things. Try just using your personality, looks, and show her a good time. but anyways, your cuff links have nothing to do with my statement
My statement was entirely too bold I will admit. There is in fact a large number of people that want the kinect. I guess i made such a bold statement more so out of frustration. I have nothing wrong with the package but, i think there is a large enough group of people out there that don't want the additional hardware to make a bundle for them too.
@Nerpraptor I'm also in my late twenties, and I'm also incredibly busy all the time. I really like call of duty it's a fun game. The problem with it is they've reskinned the same game from 2007 5 times now, slapped on a new 6 hour story mode, and the equivalent to what a minor free patch would be on any PC fps. Than they top it all of with $60 price tag like its something new. Every single year rinse and repeat.
SaintJimmmy's comments