@majere613 Or you could just focus on making a good game and good dlc and ignore the bitching of whiny gamers.
you know what else might work? Building a parachute out of grocery bags.DOESN'T MEAN YOU DO IT THOUGH
Thanks Gamespot. Dodged a bullet there.You guys can say all you want, but money is tight for me right nowSo reviews are a Godsend.
if my Identity gets stole, so what.I don't really care. I love LoL and some douchebag hackers aren't gonna stop me from loving my game.Plus I have bank insurance and I can live without money for a week or so. My internet bill is already paid for
I am a male and would love to see more strong female leads in video games.Although, there's nothing wrong with Bayonetta.Kudos to this female and her efforts.
"Sonar mode." So they weakened detective mode just to accomodate the wii u's controller?B.A.T mode - W.T.F?Uggg, all these new features seem like taking ordinary features of the game and giving them the "gimmick." treatment.
SaintWalrus' comments