The TGS trailer for Lost Odyssey that you can download on Xbox Live is all CG, however this trailer is missing a whole middle part of real time gameplay that was cut out because MS didn't want people to see it. Why? I don't know. Maybe because as I said in the video comments the game's visuals are only 80% done so maybe they want to get it at 100% before they show it. The short clip in my video is a very small piece of the real time gameplay shown. I got the whole real-time gameplay sequence from Xboxyde ( during the TGS. However as you can see from the link, Xboxyde was asked to take the videos down by MS.
Since you can no longer download the video as proof, I decided to take screenshots from the Xboxyde video to clearly show the difference between the CG and real-time Kaim (the hero of LO)
CG Kaim:
Real-Time Kaim:
The Real-Time Kaim was taken from the one of the last images seen in my video, where he is walking away after knocking down the machine. As you can see the chest armor texture looks much better in the CG Kaim and you see a lot more detail on his spaulder (shoulder armor) as well.
There are other elements that indicate it is real-time as well. Sakaguchi mentioned the a lot of effects are lacking and this is noticeable when Kaim stabs the machine: the debris that comes off and the little lightning spark aren't done that well yet; same goes for the dirt cloud the machine creates when it colapses.
The full gameplay sequence besides showing the menu (which you can see in my video) also showed numerical values for hit points lost. my video only shows the final blow delivered to the machine, before that Kaim hit the machine 3 times for 27, 81 and 74 damage respectively. The reason I chose to put just that samll sequence is because i thought it was the most impressive part of the real-time gameplay. You can actually see the whole gameplay sequence as another Gamespot memeber uploaded the whole thing but its pretty poor quality:
The gameplay sequence doesn't start til 3:12. There's a really cool effect that transitions the CG into the gameplay at that point. This real-time gameplay sequence lasts until 6:44 and then it's back to CG til the end of the video. In the Xbox Live trailer they just cut out the part from 3:12 to 6:44 and just tied the two CG parts together.
Well I hope you all will now believe that my video is in real-time and will stop sending me messages or posting misleading comments about my video.
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