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Edited By SalarianChemist

It's no surprise that the Xbox 360 version of Red Dead Redemption has better graphics than the PS3 version. After all, the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto 4 has better graphics than the PS3 version. For example, the Xbox 360 version of GTA4 runs with a native resolution of 720p while the PS3 version ran at only 640p. This provided the Xbox 360 version with much sharper graphics. Red Dead Redemption is a game where the graphics are significantly sharper on Xbox 360, and the graphics have far less aliasing problems on Xbox 360. This is obviously because the Xbox 360 GPU is more advanced in terms of polygon power and anti-aliasing techniques. Multiplatform games like this (where space is not an issue) almost always end up with better graphics, faster load times, and better online play on Xbox 360. The simple fact is that multiplatform games use an LCD (lowest common denominator) method in development. The Xbox 360 GPU can display up to 500,000,000 polygons per second, while the PS3 GPU can display only 275,000,000. This means a multiplatform game like Red Dead Redemption has a limit of 275,000,000 polygons in development. This pushes the PS3 to its limit, but it still leaves Xbox 360 with extra power in reserve. As a result, the developers are free to do things like give the Xbox 360 a smoother framerate or higher resolution (increasing the sharpness). A couple examples are All-Pro Football, which runs at 30 frames per second on the PS3, but 60 frames per second on Xbox 360. Another example is Soul Calibur 4; it had the PS3 as the lead platform and runs at 1280x720p on the PS3. However, the developers increased the resolution of the Xbox 360 version by 40% up to 1365x960p. Sometimes developers will actually choose to keep certain polygon details out of the PS3 version in order to maintain a smooth framerate. For example, in the Xbox 360 version of Bayonetta there are extra graphic details such as clocktowers that do not appear in the PS3 version. The reason for this is because if those details (made out of polygons) were to appear in the PS3 version it would result in either a loss of framerate or a loss of resolution. The developers of Bayonetta chose to keep the sharpness and framerate steady in the PS3 version, but they were forced to sacrifice detail in order to do it. As far as load times go, Tekken 6 is a game that was designed with the PS3 as the lead platform. It is identical graphically on both systems, but the Xbox 360 version loads faster due to the fact that Xbox 360 transfers data at a rate of 16MB per second compared to only 9MB per second on the PS3. Another example of loading is Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, which takes only three seconds to load each time you swap characters in the Xbox 360 version, but it takes a terribly long eight seconds each time you swap characters in the PS3 version. As far as Red Dead Redemption goes, both versions look great. However, there is no doubt that the Xbox 360 version looks better as a result of the superior GPU in the Xbox 360.

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Edited By SalarianChemist

@frazzle00, Thank you for sticking up for me. I noticed your profile is set to private. Would you please send me a message so we can chat and exchange information. @da1writer, I'm glad to see that you agreed with da1writer. I sent you a private message that is very detailed. If you get the chance write back to me, please. Happy New Year to both of you and everyone else! :) P.S. I think I'm going to say Happy New Year on all my comments until the New Year...2010 is going to be a great year for all consoles & PC.

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Edited By SalarianChemist

@da1writer, I agree with you that the "exclusive" games appearing on a console play a large role in separating one unit from another. However, exclusive games represent approximately one-third of the games in a console's library. Third-party multiplatform games represent approximately two-thirds of the games on a console. If the third-party multiplatform games were identical, it would mean the exclusive games would be the primary method of separating one console from another. However, the Xbox 360 has earned a reputation for having third-party multiplatform games that are either "noticably" or "significantly" better than their counterparts on the PS3. For example, highly rated games such as Orange Box, Splinter Cell, and the new Bayonetta are rated "significantly" better on the Xbox 360. And games like Rainbow Six: Vegas and Lost Planet are "noticably" better on Xbox 360. The GameSpot Graphic Comparisons are very useful and helpful when making this type of analysis from a technologically-based professional perspective. I'm very thankful that GameSpot's Xbox 360 vs PS3 Graphics Comparisons have helped people reach these conclusions. All of the consoles will have a great year in 2010; there is no doubt about that. Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 have a large number of exclusive games that will literally make millions of fans happy. At this point in time both consoles have enough exclusives at reduced prices that both consoles can list "first-party" games as an advantage. However, there is no doubt that the majority of third-party multiplatform games are in fact superior on Xbox 360. Some of these games such as Orange Box and Bayonetta are very highly rated and receive a lot of hype. I personally believe this is one of the key reasons why the Xbox 360 has achieved so much success this generation. @tdawg2594, I proofread my statement multiple times to make sure that it is written properly, as I have done with the statement above. I thank you for taking the time to stick up for me and defend me. It means a lot to me. I always appreciate it when people take the time to vote Thumbs Up for the comments I take the time to write. I will continue to write statements that people approve of in the future. In 2010 all the consoles will have a great year, so I think it will simply be a matter of which console gets the most praise. An article like this Xbox 360 vs PS3 Graphics Comparison from GameSpot obviously encourages "comparisons," which is the primary reason for my comparisons of technical-based specifications and the way the specifications of hardware relate to graphics performance. Once again, I wish every member of Gamespot a Happy New Year! I am very please to associate with each of you on a regular basis.

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Edited By SalarianChemist

@RockZillaX I would like to respond to your statement currently located several slots below mine by saying that you are correct that the Playstation 3 version of Bayonetta is inferior the Xbox 360 version. All of the reviews I have read about Bayonetta actually show the Playstation 3 version of Bayonetta receiving a separate review due to the fact that the differences in graphics and loading times are significantly different. I appreciate the fact that GameSpot has written a Graphics Comparison like this, which encourages gamers like us to maturely discuss the fact-based technological reasons that explain why a game like Bayonetta ends up so much better on the Xbox 360. The fact is, it comes down to numbers related to technical specifications. For example, Bayonetta has much faster loading times in the Xbox 360 version. The reason for this is because of the technological fact that the Xbox 360 has a Data Transfer Rate of 16MB per second, while the Playstation 3 has a Data Transfer Rate of 9MB per second. The Graphic Framerate of the Xbox 360 is so much smoother in Bayonetta because the Xbox 360 Graphics Processing Unit has the ability to display 500,000,000 polygons per second, compared to 275,000,000 polygons per second for the GPU of the PS3. In Bayonetta there is actually a level involving a Clocktower that is not included in the PS3 version. The reason for this is because the extra polygon detail is something the Xbox 360 is capable of displaying with a smooth framerate, while the PS3 is not capable of displaying at an acceptable framerate; therefore, it needed to be removed from the PS3 version. The GPU is the primary reason for this Graphic Comparison advantage; it literally is based entirely on technical specifications associated with polygon-based numbers. I personally thought that Bayonetta would have been included in the Round 5 comparison, but it looks like Bayonetta will have to wait until Round 6. It appears that Round 6 is already looking good for the Xbox 360, since Bayonetta is significantly more impressive on the Xbox 360, as you, I, and others have pointed out multiple times in long-standing comments anyone can learn from in this Graphics Comparison. Once again I would like to thank GameSpot for encouraging this type of Graphics Comparison amongst members of the website. Professionally written comments like this and the others I have seen here prove that people don't need to be involved in "flame" or "troll" accusations in order to have an excellent debate in this Xbox 360 vs PS3 Graphics Comparison Round 5 article. Happy New Year to you, RockZillaX, and everyone else.

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Edited By SalarianChemist

I'd like to thank GameSpot for taking the time to write this comparison. The way GameSpot continuously writes this type of comparison encourages gamers to post fact-based information relating to technical specifications that we can all learn from. The reason why the Xbox 360 versions of games usually have smoother framerates and higher resolution is due to the fact that the Xbox 360 has a technologically superior Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The GPU used in the Xbox 360 is based on Unified-Shader technology capable of displaying 500,000,000 polygons per second. This Unified Shader technology was very much ahead of its time, considering that PC Graphics Cards did not see similar technology until January of 2007. The GPU used in the PS3 is based on Non-Unified Shader technology capable of displaying 275,000,000 polygons per second. It's important to keep in mind that when you are looking at one of these pictures, you are only seeing one "frame" of animation. This is very different than watching a game in motion. When you see a game being played, the frame "rate" is very important. This is where the advantage of a GPU often sees its biggest impact. I hope I was able to help people understand technical specifications in greater detail. In today's graphic programming environment it is a fact that basic polygon numbers are associated with graphic performance--particularly resolution and framerates. I wish everyone from GameSpot a Happy New Year.

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Edited By SalarianChemist

[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]

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Edited By SalarianChemist

PC version is obviously the most impressive version in every measurable way. The graphics are better on the PC version in terms of polygon detail, framerate, resolution, and filtering. The console versions look virtually identical in 80% of the screenshots. You can see in the first screenshot that the PS3 version has an advantage in texture resolution with sharper graphics, similar to the way Xbox 360 games usually have the resolution advantage over PS3. The reason the PS3 has the advantage this time is because Dragon Age: Origins is such a "huge" game that has so many textures. A DVD just doesn't have enough "space" to hold that many textures with that high of a resolution. In other words, Dragon Age: Origins falls into the "less than 1%" of games that a DVD isn't fully optimized for this generation. The Xbox 360 version does have a smoother framerate than the PS3 version. This type of graphic advantage is because the Xbox 360 GPU can display so many more polygons than the PS3 can. When you are actually seeing "movement" in the game, the PS3 version looks choppy at times, while the Xbox 360 version remains just as smooth as the PC version. Dragon Age: Origins is a fun game on any platform; it is sort of like a Fantasy version of the awesome Sci-Fi Action-RPG called Mass-Effect on Xbox 360 and PC, which isn't a surprise considering it is made by the same developer.

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Edited By SalarianChemist

Windows XP is awesome. The laptop I bought five years ago would not make an ideal "upgrade" to Windows 7 according to the test. It "potentially" could be done, but it would be a hassle. I'm satisfied with Windows XP on that computer. But, I really am looking forward to getting a new laptop computer with Windows 7 pre-installed from the factory. Windows 7 really does provide the same sort of "revolutionary" step forward that we saw with Windows 95 and Windows XP. If the prices stay low and have a nice design, I will probably be interested in getting a new laptop for Christmas. One thing that really bothers me about computers (and it always has bothered me) is that the mass produced computers never come packed with their maximum amount of RAM, but the RAM can be upgraded. Everyone I know always wants to upgrade that RAM, which means you end up buying a couple new RAM chips and being forced to get rid of the old RAM that came with the unit from the factory. I wish the computer manufacturers would grow a brain and put the ideal amount of RAM with the computer preinstalled from the factory.

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Edited By SalarianChemist

Halo 3: Orbital Drop Shock Trooper This is going to be the Best Game of the Year! Guaranteed to be an AAA game because it takes place in the Halo universe with the amazing storyline and plot twists that everyone loves! We will finally get to see what it's like to see one of the legendary Orbital Drop Shock Troopers in action! Previous Halo games mentioned these "Orbital Drop Shock Troopers," and now we will see how they beat the enemy using indirect methods of stealth, rather than the direct methods used by our biogenetically engineered Spartan friend, Master Chief. The graphics of Halo 3: Orbital Drop Shock Trooper look amazing! I can't wait to learn more about the game at E3!

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Edited By SalarianChemist

"Too Expensive" Agreed!!! These controllers are made of plastic and silicon--the two least expensive materials in the world...Why are they charging so much money during the worst recession in decades! If these products sold for $50 the way that Joysticks used to sell for, it would mean just about every owner of Street Fighter 4 would be interested in buying one of these products...And let's be honest, the way that Microsoft and Sony charge $50 and $60 for their control pads is pathetic, since there are thrid-party controllers that sell for only $25 or less.

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