@soarlozer: There have been many, many books that have been turned into successful movies. The story in a book or a video game makes no difference at all. The writers, producers, directors are responsible for a films success, it has nothing to do with the source material. Game of Thrones, excellent adaption. LOTR, The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, The Shining, Jaws, there are thousands of highly regarded films from books that don't follow the exact same plot line as a book.
lol Outstanding Achievement in Game Design went to The Witcher 3, good fucking god. Outstanding game design of what exactly? The worst inventory UI to ever grace our screens? The shitty combat? Try playing Bloodborne you Witcher fanboy buffoons. The outstanding world environment that's as repetitive as the quest design? The 93 second load times? The useless in game economy? The pointless items or loot drops? When you play the entire game on its hardest difficulty with just Witcher gear, you've got to wonder exactly what the game design team were doing. The asinine overly drawn out main story design that has no branching paths that mean anything at all? The repetitive rinse and repeat subquest design? The lack of character design? I'm at a complete loss as to how it won this award, or any award to be honest. Over rated garbage will always be over rated garbage no matter how much fanboys laud it.
@Stiler: Fallout is not 'underwhelming', its not 'mediocre', it doesn't need 'fixing' from modders, you're talking through your arse to be honest. The settlement feature is no different to any housing feature found in almost every RPG (well, except The Witcher, they gave you a box on the floor after 3 months). Keep getting angry fanboy, The Witcher 3 is grossly over rated, we both know it but keep flying your little Witcher flag kid. What ever makes you happy. Save your money and never purchase a Bethesda game again if you're really that upset. I'm sure they'll be upset without your purchase.
@Stiler: Did you just say play in third person? A Bethesda Game Studio's game in third person? Its a 'choice' for the player (and not the correct choice btw), you know, just like the way Witcher gives you a 'choice' to play in first person! lol. You're all upset about Fallout 4's engine, its also an engine that allows you to drastically alter its landscape, move objects completely, leave objects in a different location and is completely and incredibly moddable. Would you like to talk about mods on The Witcher 3 vs Fallout 4? Maybe the mods that will be available one year from their respective release dates? No, I didn't think so either. That 'engine' which is absolutely fine btw, is extremely user friendly to modders. That was and always has been a huge consideration with any BGS game.
I also loved the bit where you compare Oblivion from 2006 to The Witcher 3 from 2015. Would you like me to remind you of The Witcher from 2007 (Iol I could link some videos if you like) and compare it to anything from Fallout 4? The Witcher 3's animations, riding, audio and polish of riding Roach vs Fallout 4s animations, movement, audio and polish of getting into and moving around in Power Armor. Sorry champ, Roach isn't even in the same paddock.
Edit: I'll give you the Bloody Baron, that was a great story. More interesting and better written than the main story sadly. That doesn't make up for the many glaring gameplay problems The Witcher 3 has though.
@o311rocks: Dead Space, The Last of Us, Assassins Creed, Uncharted, Fallout. There are many video games with interesting stories that could or should be made into films. Probably why some of those I listed are. The screenplay writer, producer, casting and director have more to answer for than the source material.
@Stiler: Yeah I loved the animation of Gerald when you run and jump and he does a ridiculously awkward looking vertical jump, its even better when he gets in combat and can't step over an ankle high log. Lets not even start on swimming and horse riding. Better characters? There are none better than Dogmeat alone, shit even Marcy was more interesting than anything from the Witcher, at least she has a name you can pronounce. The writing? The ugliest man alive, a handful of druids (all voiced by the same bloke, all with the same character model), some asinine story about some horses with the 'Wild Hunt' (whoever came up with that name needs some help) that are after (get this one for originality) a princess that has special powers! **** me, what a complete fucking joke.
You as the player get to control one of the worst characters ever created in gaming history. Some poorly voiced awkward dude with a girls ponytail that attempts to talk to an NPC, steals a loaf of bread instead because of horrendously shitty controls and promptly gets schooled by a city guard. A dopey looking, unwashed, over weight city guard completely schools the famous Gerald of Riverrun! I thought to myself, good fucking god, who writes this shit! Send the fucking guards on your repetitive errands instead.
Don't even get me started on the choices that impact the game because Fallout 4 leaves it for dead. Alter the landscape, move objects in the world, nuke a faction and leave a crater or side with them instead. The Witcher 3 offers nothing at all in terms of choice that actually impact your 'gameplay'. Nothing.
@draganot: You missed the horrendous load times and the god awful inventory management. The Witcher 3 has arguably the worst inventory UI ever made in the history of gaming.
Salt_AU's comments