The Witcher 3 is the ONLY game in the past 5 years where I couldn't complete it due to game breaking bugs. Specifically in the Assassination of King Radovid quest, had to reload that 17 times to get through the complete joke it was in terms of glitches and bugs (and that was 8 months 'after' its release lol, the current version still isn't fixed). Finished Fallout 4 without a single problem. Would you like a tissue for those tears?
@draganot: Well said and your points are pretty much spot on although I found the story and quests in Fallout 4 better than The Witcher 3, I really enjoyed playing through the story in F4. The Bloody Baron was the most memorable one for me in W3 but that doesn't make the whole game, far too repetitive in its writing for its sub quests from repetitive NPCs and the main story in W3 was borderline asinine at times. The ugliest man alive and the druids, please!
@razecah12: Flying your Witcher 3 fanboy flag everywhere doesn't make it a good game. He is correct, the combat is dull and repetitive, the quests are also dull and repetitive (use Witcher vision follow footprints, rinse and repeat over and over), the huge number of just 3 varied locations are also dull and repetitive, the NPCs all look the same and have the same voices, yep, dull and repetitive. The main quest was linear garbage with literally the same outcome at the end of the game. Fallout 4 offered many more 'endings' in comparison.
@verysalt: That 'engine' you're hating is one of the most moddable engines in gaming from a developer renowned for having gamers mod their games, which adds literally hundreds of hours of value onto the product you purchased. Would you like to compare the number of mods Fallout 4 will have one year after its release to The Witcher 3? The engine was upgraded massively over Fallout 3, if you can't see where then you really do need to go back and play vanilla F3 again and open those peepers. What part of the engine upsets you so much?
By your logic you could also say that The Witcher 3 is no more than a reskinned Witcher 2. Not sure what you're attempting to suggest with that comment.
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