@Prats1993: Just like the butthurt that the PC gamers would display if Xcom 2 was announced for consoles prior to its release, or a different kind of butthurt? Lets face it, we all know the drama, tantrums, hastily scrawled petitions and tears that the PC ladies carry on with when a PC game is announced for a console.
@angrycreep: I own a PS4 and I must admit I am enjoying playing the Dead Space series right now on the PS3. Yes, the PS3, its sitting right beside the PS4. I pick up a controller, press a button and it comes on. Why on earth do I need the PS4 to do that also?
@sladakrobot: Donald 'resigned' from Zynga in April of last year. During the big man's tenure he successfully halved Zynga's user base in one year from 53 million to 28 million while personally banking 50 million dollars plus other benefits just in case the 50 mill wasn't enough. His resignation 'effective immediately' after just a year and a half steering the Zynga Titanic was apparently 'amicable' and the founder replaced him as CEO. Effective immediately and amicable are other words for 'he was sacked'. Not entirely sure what Donald is up to these days, probably sipping Pina Colada's somewhere in Venice on his personal 360 foot yacht while planning on getting his mitts on the PlayStation 5 so he can finally end their market dominance once and for all.
Donald Mattrick is responsible for this, the great man systematically destroyed the gains Microsoft had made with the xbox360 over the PS3 with his exuberance over making the Xbox One a home entertainment unit rather than what it should have been, a gaming console first and foremost. Sony didn't make that mistake, fixed their horrendous PS3 controller and have deservedly schooled Microsoft in terms of sales.
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