lol console owners are laughing at these stories. So the PC can't even run a game exclusively developed for them without horrendous load times, 20-30 fps, dated graphics that look like Firaxis just copy and pasted their previous games artwork from 1997. Good lord. Oh how the self proclaimed mighty have fallen. So what's next for the master race community?
@Saidrex: That xbox one would clout the 'average' PC owners pathetic little rig into submission. Crying over current gen consoles holding back game development is so pathetically wrong. Its actually the billions of average PC owners that can't or won't bother updating their out of date crappy PC that holds back game dev's. Yes, that's right. The irony is that it's 'master race' that is holding themselves back, go fucking figure. Try actually thinking for a change.
@game4metoo: Not in the context of the whining and crying I see here, nor in the context of profitability. I own a 'PC' is like saying I own 'a car'. How many fucking models are there? Do they all have the same features? Do they all go the same speed? Sorry champ, but the average PC owner doesn't have a PC that would match a current gen console, not even close. The 0.0000001% of mouth breathing PC owners raging in these comments are so much the minority it isn't even funny. Developers shouldn't and certainly don't waste their time even bothering to push their product for the insanely small minority. Why would they?
@lonesamurai1: Its a business you neck bearded buffoon, When you're old enough to drive, get in your mother's car, go for a drive and count how many Ferrari's you see. I'll be here waiting for the result in 5 years.
XCOM 2, the ONLY game in existence where I have had to click on the biography of a character to read what sex they're supposed to be. The character models are hideous. Harder to pick than a day out in Thailand.
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