SamXVII / Member

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Carry The Zero

Just a few random thoughts...

Why is piracy (of games, music, and movies) frowned upon, while buying used is viewed as good alternative to buying new? It's more or less the same thing. If I download, the actual company who sells the product and the people who worked to make it don't get a dime. If I buy used, they still get nothing. The only difference is what it costs me.

Why do some Americans consider the Constitution as nearly perfect, and then try to find ways to get around the parts that they don't like? Such as "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." More or less meaning separation of church and state. But then they want to ban gay marriage and exclude atheists from the Boy Scouts based on religious texts. Not to mention not allowing the Mormons to have 7 wives. Hey, it's in their religion, so aren't they being denied religious freedom?

Why does the punk scene put such heavy emphasis on non-conformity, and then scrutinize every member of the scene and reject those that are too different? If punk is about DIY then why do so many feel the need to buy stuff with band logos on it? And if punk isn't about cashing in, then why do things like Black Flag shot glasses and Bad Religion magnets even exist? I mean, does whiskey taste more punk out of a shot glass with a logo? Does a magnet make my fridge a non-conforming appliance? I think not.

Why are terms like African-American and Asian-American respectful, when white people are referred to as white people and nobody cares? Why don't we ever hear the term European-American used? Doesn't that kind of send the message that "regular", prefix-less Americans are white ones? Isn't that racist?

Why do westerners think that eating dogs is disgusting, immoral, and uncivilized when they wouldn't think twice about eating a pig, which is easily as smart as a dog? Either both should be spared, or neither.

Well, those are the things on my mind this morning...