Going by what they are saying, you could get addicted to playing sport as well. If you feel good playing sport and your brain triggers a rise in dopamine levels whilst doing it, then the same dependence could arise. I guess the difference here is that sport is more physically beneficial, so it wouldn't be classified as an addiction because it isn't detrimental to your health. Alternatively, you could get addicted to listening to music or reading books. Those activities are even more anti-social than video gaming, so in theory they could worse than an addiction to gaming. I really think there is a lot of trash made-up about this stuff, but at the same time some kids really can't control how much they play.
I can run this on my laptop (on low though) with a Nvidia GF 7300GO, 1GB memory and a Duo Core (not even core2duo) 1.73Ghz. If you can run oblivion then you can probably run this. If you get it from EB games, then you can test out your computer to see if you can run it and then take it back if you can't. Fallout 3 is a great game.
It says that you could get a PSP instead of an HDTV, does this mean the PSP has HD video input, or was it just a comment which wasn't thought out properly?
I thought my self a nVidia fan, not for any particular reason though, and at one stage was worried I was being a fanboy. I know now what fanboyism is like. It is when ATI release a 4870 and a 4850, and people are still saying "Yup, NVIDIA card piss on ATI :-/". Sad. As far as I am concerned, the value cards in order of worst to best: 9800GT ($200- its a new 8800GT and cheaper, wtf is going on there) HD 4850 ($200+ nice bang for buck) HD 4870 ($300+ bigger bang for a bit more buck) GTX 280 ($400+ only because there is no other choice really) SLI and Crossfire are pretty silly to go straight away, it should be a buy one now, get another later thing. Unless ofcourse its two of the best you can get. Nvidia are offering good LOW END, and then good HIGH end cards, ATI are doing well in MID range. Just to clarify, the GTX 260 and the HD 4870 are pretty hard to seperate. I would love it if gamespot did a head-to-dead for these two.
It all looks good in Vantage, yet when it comes to actual game performance things get a bit funny. Most games, and I think COD4 is like this, are not exactly optimized for dual graphics cards, or 4 (which Xfire X2's basically are), and so some funny results are not surprising. The GTX 280 is still the best real SINGLE card solution, as the X2 is basically two 4870's. I really would have liked to see Tri-SLI GTX 280's, and see how they competed with the dual 4870X2's. All this shows is that it probably isn't worth spending money on ridiculous graphic's card solutions. A Single 4870 is just fine for now, until crossfire and SLI scale consistenly and reasonably. I would be destroyed if I bought a second 4870X2, only to find it made TF2 DROP! by 2 frames. That is sad, and something is wrong there. Something is even more wrong when a single 4870 is better than the other 3 combinations, and SLI GTX 280's. I am inclined to believe something was wrong with Gamespot's method of testing... The Call of Duty 4 benchs seem to make a lot of sense, but the benchmarks for crysis, and tf2 in particular, are just plain whacked.
Definitely needed, the Wiimote was never accurate enough, this should have been there from the beginning, but then again, the same could be said for half the console features (cough* PS3 In-game XMB *cough)
No, I was referring to the fact that "more less powerful" is a contradiction. It can't be more and less at the same time. I am guessing you are new to the English language if you overlooked that twice... funny stuff that is.
MarioJP_: "Or wait for a more less powerful version of it" I am guessing you are either new to the English language or just made a genuine mistake, I found it pretty funny nonetheless . There are already reasonably priced, less powerful, cards which are good value and will do the job, ie. the 8800's and 9800's. EVERYONE SHOULD WAIT FOR THE ATI RADEON 4870 AND 4850 BEFORE PURCHASING A NEW CARD. They are sure to cause a massive price drop, as they are supposed to be close to (I think even above) the GTX 280's benchmarks, for a drastically lower price.
Sammojo's comments