So ....its that time of year again where the midseason schedule takes over and we're all wondering what the next 'Buffy' or 'Grey's' is gonna be. But more to the point this years schedule looks as if its gonna be FIERCE - or is it??
After what may be agrued to be the most disappointing year in television with regards to cancellations and new fall shows, its refreshing to see some quality concepts take take front and center in 2009. Lipstick Jungle is as good as dead and fate got the best of Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money already. Thats not even having mentioned the success - or lack there of - of The Ex List, My Own Worst Enemy and The MRC's Valentine and Easy Money (you didnt hear of these shows? That might explain the abysmal ratings!)
Anyhuuu, enough doom and gloom lets look at what we can expect from now until we put our boardshorts on...
ABC being the best network around in my oppinion has a few shows lined up that I believe may make an impression this year. 'In The Motherhood' marks Megan Mullaly's return to TV after Will&Grace. Rob Thomas' 'Cupid' is due back for a second attempt, it may not have Jeremy Piven in it but it does have another W&G alumn, Bobby Cannavale. 'The Goode Family' is a new animated show which ABC are hoping will put them on the Map as far as animated comedy is concerned but lets face it, no body does animation better than FOX so my suggestion to ABC is to stick with more quality drama - but then again im hoping they prove me wrong. 'The Unusuals' seems like yet another Cop Drama that I'm SOOOO over. Then there's 'True Beauty', the infamous Banks and Kutcher collaboration - seen a few promos and i have to say...BOORING!!!! Finally 'Castle' - another Cop drama that has Nathan Fillon in it so if I do tune in I can say it will be coz of him without a doubt!
CBS is next on the list. wait have they got anything lined up!? They dont need anything coz they have 'How I Met Your', 'Big Bang Theory', 'CSI's' and 'Ghost Whisperer'! But there is a little show which is hugley anticipated, this is called...'Harper's Island' ('Lost' meets 'I know what you did last summer' but who cares it appears to be a show that keeps you on the edge of your seats!!) I just hope it doesnt become the next Ex List!! (I Loved that show BY THE WAY!)
NBC i think has the most anticipated new show of the year - and yes, its the OFFICE SPIN OFF, still untitled but we dont care - we just want more office-esque laughs! They have a new show on the way called 'Kings' which is a modern day tale of David and Golliath which seems quite cool - or at least the promo does. Then theres, 'Merlin', 'The Listener' and 'The Philantropist' - was that too fast...? Well they didnt catch my attention either!
The CW have... oh wiat nothing, just another reality show - no surprise there! I have to say the whole network has outdone itself this year with (almost) all its shows - 'Gossip Girl' is the best its ever been, Thursday nights are the CW's BEST!!! and 'One Tree Hill' is always amazing. and of course '90210' and 'Privileged', the former being more of a guilty pleasure but Priv is still quite good... nontheless they have to spice things up a bit, quit those sitcoms Dub and give us more young adult dramas (NOT TEEN Dramas YOUNG ADULT!!!)
Finally, I've saved the best (other then ABC) for last....
I have one word to say....'DOLLHOUSE'!!! technically 2 words but who cares, Joss Whedon is BACK BABY!! and so is Dushku!! Im soooo excited I'm getting hot flushes. FOX has dissapointing this year. 'Prison Break' is suffocating slowly and '24' is sooo OVER...thank God for 'The Simpsons' and 'Fringe!' LOL, but thats not the onl new show...Kristen Chenoweth (the Olive we wont see anymore on 'Pushing Daisies') is back to TV - or rather her voice is - On 'Class Dismissed' (FKA Sit Down and Shut Up) and to be perfectly clear, im only tuning into this show out of respect for her - but then again she is gonna be on David Kelly's new show (in the works as we speak), 'Legally Mad' - even the name is classic!!!
What are your thoughts on these new shows?! Yay? Ney? let us know!!
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