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Why I'm NOT Buying Starcraft 2 (Seriously)

It's the day of one of the biggest game releases of the year (biggest of the decade depending on who you talk to). The world and the Web are both abuzz with the talk, reviews and dissection of the game. I've been asked by several of my friends when I'm going to be picking up SC2. When I reply, I'm probably not going to at all, they look at me as if I just peeled off my face to reveal a giant cockroach head. I then go on to explain as to my reasons, while they stare astonished at my clicking mandibles.

No Set Price Point.

We're all aware that today's release of SC2 isn't the entire game. It's the Terran campaign plus the full multiplayer experience. The other remaining races are going to be given their own campaign at an undisclosed time. The first portion has a full game price point. You're looking at $60 for essentially the first third of the game. We do not know however what the rest of the game will cost us. If they charge a full cost for the remainder, congratz, you just shelled out $180 for Starcraft. If they stick with how Blizzard has been treating the expansions of World of Warcraft, you're looking at around $40-$50 for each of the remaining 2/3rds. Even at a very reasonable price of $15 per expansion, I don't know if I'm ok with paying $90 for Starcraft. Regardless of the price they choose, you know people will pay it, c'mon, it's Starcraft.

I Don't Like Other People.

This might make me sound like some sort of anti-social shut in, but the original Starcraft made multiplayer a staple for games since. When you play a game online all you want to do is be better than your opponent. Give it a day and someone will figure out (if they haven't already) the perfect setup for a Battlecruiser rush. People are fanatical about Starcraft, if you have any doubt, look up The Starcraft World Championship. Never play against a Korean, also never play against someone who competes in "Ladder Matches". It's a trial in frustration, you'll want to break your keyboard inside 5 minutes. Let the pwnage ensue.

There are Better RTS' Out There

I know I'm toeing the line of heresy, but there have been far better RTS' within the past decade than Starcraft. Other than a couple of new units and a revamp of the visuals, they aren't really bringing anything to the table. If you want an epic RTS? Try Supreme Commander. Want it intense? Try Dawn of War 2. Want it pretty looking, Play Command and Conquer 4. If there has been a decade wait between 1 and 2, I want something better than just an update of the first.

Starcraft has lost it's hold over me since it's release. It still holds fond memories from my high school years and is probably one of the greatest games of all time, but I don't need to buy it. I don't even really want to buy it. Give it a couple of years for people to release modded maps and then I might consider, or when it's all released in a single box for $60, then we can talk.

I do still want to buy Diablo 3 though.