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Samuel_001 Blog

The Force Unleashed - Demo Impressions Review

I absolutely loved the demo! At first with all these mediocre reviews around the GT forums I was getting kind of scared, but after playing it I really did feel like a badass Jedi. The demo itself was short and sweet, with a good intro, with the apprentice and Darth Vader to finishing it with a mini boss battle. The only criticism I would give it is that the QTE's are really getting stale, and I use to LOVE QTE's (being a shenmue fan and all) but I will get use to it, eventually.

The Havok, DDM and Euphoria physics are one of the best features of the force unleashed; they really bring the game to life! I can't even imagine how absolutely awesome it will be when your in outside locations! The cut scene shown in the game was simply entertaining (like a movie), the soundtrack is excellent, with Imperial March theme in the background as well as other notable new tracks. The graphics are simply stunning! From the detailed doors, to the reflected tiles to the cloth on the apprentice reacting and the in-game physics, its all new and impressive.

The controls were pretty good, though the camera does take some getting use, but nothing problematic, like mentioned in the OXM review. The combat in this game is very deep, with about 4 buttons dedicated to the combat. Though with all the force powers this game features, it looks like sacrifices were made to the light sabre attacks. It only uses a single button, and its variety came from using combos with the force and lightning powers. Looking at the light sabre attacks on its own, it's pretty weak (in this demo) though by the looks of it more may be featured in the actual game. BUT, when you look at the combat all together (with the force powers, lightning attacks, air attacks, etc) this game is very deep in combat.

Overall I am very impressed, This gives me lots of hope on the upcoming Indiana Jones game by lucasarts featuring the same engine and physics as this game does. This game definitely warrants a first day purchase for me! I can definitely see a lot of effort went into this game, and it could of either been absolutely broken (like Alone in the Dark, unfortunately) or have been absolutely awesome.

And to simply put it, it was awesome.