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Snaaaaaaaaake! and other off-topic ramblings

Metal Gear!?

Metal Gear kind of rocks. I completed Subsistence (Well Snake Eater but you know what I mean) and whats amazing is even after ages of playing it I learned something I didn't know before.

If you use the CQC move that pushes them to the floor you can hold them up while they lay down EGADS, I did not know that. I'm sure many of you do but hey I'm waffling here.

What game should I complete next. Hmm... I think I might just train my Pokemon up or play Portable Ops. I'm going away to a friends in Grimsby till Monday, He asked me to bring the Wii along but I would prefer bringing the PS3 and a stack of PS2 games I can thrash people at. But whatever.

Anyway, HotSpot was good, better than I expected at least. Jeff did a great job hosting. Still it felt a little quiet without Rich.