Samuraidragons' forum posts
ahh oh well add me anyway ill be on on launch day but wont have a mic broke now lol well anyway thanks for the help guys thats the monitor i am looking at getting its in AUS dollars so yeah thank you tho.
Thank you very much for the help, Are you from Australia by any chance even if your not send me a friend invite my psn name is ReapersAssassin i already reserved it TY very much for the help
ok guys well i traded my 360 in today and am waiting till launch to pick up my ps3 and i was just wondering can a ps3 run on a monitor and is there any special things the monitor needs to run it
Umm im sorry but i thought you where allowed to state your opinion on forums, but he was also asking does anyone else have the same problem answear him instead of getting all stuck up over a game.
im in Australia right now its 9:25 pm tuesday probably 30 by the time you read this will anyone convert Pacific time for me thanks in advance
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