Well written and stated, but disagree with both you and Kevin. Look, its a bit difficult to blame a console company for a reveal that doesn't focus on games when they state as a company upfront that this is a two stage process, with a focus on the system and its capabilities in the 1st leg, and games in the second. If we see an E3 event and no games, then I get what you are saying. But this wasn't about that...it was more about what the system is, a first look of sorts, and a reveal of what it can do (personally I think the Kinect update is a huge improvement over the 1st generation, which frankly was sketchy at best).
I think pause is in order until after E3 to really get a feel for what the system is about. 15 new exclusives with 8 original IPs is certainly more than they have ever done in the past. Not sure I would essentially say they have "forgot" about the gamers. This was just an introduction of sorts.
Finally, those games you write off and dismiss are huge movers in the games world. Call of Duty is the #1 game franchise out there in terms of sales, and they have extended their exclusive relationship. I'm not saying you have to like that, but what I am saying is that you should at least acknowledge that these games are huge sellers that are rather popular overall. Announcing a strategic partnership with EA and their sports titles, with FIFA, MADDEN, NBA and UFC is a good move from a gamers perspective.
Now, if you see a few more games like Quantum Break, which are new and original, would you have a different opinion?
One last comment....original and exclusive content really isn't the driver that these game mags and web-bloggers paint it out to be. Most of the games shown by Sony were multi-platform games as well, so its not as f the big titles aren't coming to the One.
Sanctions' comments