Probably off the reservation on this one, but for me it was Chromehounds. That multiplayer game ate up alot of my time.
Sanctions' forum posts
I thought the Ultimate Defender from GRAW 2 was difficult. It was a 60 minute co-op defend against a constant stream of enemies, with no respawns and no additional ammo. You needed several people who all understood how to play, because you can't just spray the enemies that come at you due to the limited ammo you have.
For the most part, yes. You may see some reference, perhaps some teaser shot of what "the future holds" for both systems, but I seriously doubt you will see any tech demos, specs, or anything of substance. Its going to be games, entertainment options, and perhaps price cuts to the existing systems, with maybe the 360 announcing this xbox lite option.
Would be cool to see it but my guess is next E3 will be intense.
Microsoft has always needed to expand their first party. Because it's never really evolved into anything. This gen it's peaked at Halo+Forza+Fable+some Rare stuff in betwee+2nd party projects like(Alan Wake and Gears of War). What they need is someone in house giving Halo a running mate. Not Epic. jg4xchamp
I'm not sure thats actually true based on actual sales numbers. Why would MS need to take greater risks in capital allocations moving foward with new "in house" committments? Again, 3rd party titles are driving the top of the charts, and if MS can score with Halo 4, and then have some 3rd party exclusives such as Crytek's Ryse, Fable, Forza, Alan Wake and maybe one or two others, they are in fine shape. If geekwire's analysis is correct, the 360 sold more units than the PS3 in 2011, and I think we can all agree that the PS3 had more exclusives rolling out. If MS hits with Halo 4, Forza, Fable, Alan Wake 2, this Crytek game, have no idea how this kinect hybrid Steel Batallion will play out, maybe a surprise here or there, probably a slew of XBLA titles (Hybrid from 5th cell, Fez is alrady out and has strong reviews, deadlight, minecraft, etc) plus a bunch of kinect stuff to keep that moving...well, not sure why they need to go beyond that, especially considering that the heavy 3rd party multi-platform titles are going to hit on each console, and for the most part, all of them sell better in MS's primary market.
To be honest, I think they will look to expand the entertainment position. Already doing that with Fios, HBO GO, MLB, etc. Maybe this Windows 8 cross-platform concept?
Yes really. This isn't some subjective discussion or debate about "what if"... 2011 numbers don't lie, they don't champion one console over the other, they are just numbers. In the end, with all the exclusives that Sony rolled out, and they had a good selection, the top selling games were overwhelming those of the multi-platform genre, for which the 360 enjoyed strong sales. Regardless, there is no business reason to invest a tremendous amount of capital in pushing out more exclusive IP games when that doesn't appear to translate into monster console sales. I imagine that at E3 you will see more exclusive kinect titles (of those, I am interested in Crytek's Ryse and the next Steel Batallion game), perhaps a new Alan Wake 2, Halo 4, possibly a new Forza title, and perhaps one or two others that I am missing...maybe some timed DLC exclusives? I think that's enough. For 2012.... some of the more antisipated games (generally as I know that's rather subjective) are Resident Evil 6, X-Com, Borderlands 2, Tomb Raider, TC Future Solider, Darksiders 2, Hitman 2, AC III, Rainbow 6 Patriot, Bioshock Infinate and so on. I think the point of all this is that the gamer is going to have quite a few choices. There is no need to roll out 46 IP titles. They will select a handful from the list you referenced, and leave it at that. And who knows...maybe the roll out a new IP at E3 that will be something totally different.
As for sequals...yes, you can certainly make that argument..but when games like COD MW3 push what, 12 million in total sales on the 360 and another 10 on the PS3, when AC, Batman AC, Battlefield 3 not to mention titles like Madden 12and FIFA all sell more than 4 mil globally, well, its a bit hard to argue with the developers.
Finally, I think you either discount or outright ignore the MS position in the entertainment field. Music, HBO GO, Youtube, Facebook, Hulu Plus, MLB, ESPN, soon UFC and the WWE, Vudu etc. are all options that make the system more attractive in a diverse marketplace. Some of those by the way would be "exclusive" to the console market if you really wanted to get into the in's and outs of what MS is doing, but not sure we need to really go there.
Well, I think MS would take the position that having a large assortment of games to build IP titles is great, but the reality of the console business is that they don't need to spend a great deal of time and money in a marketplace that is currently controlled by 3rd party titles and entertainment console options. You look at the top 10 best selling games in the US and in Europe, not one of them is a PS3 exclusive, and only one was exclusive to either MS or Sony, and that was Gears 3. The rest in those two markets....Call of Duty (MW 3 and BO), Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Batman AC, Madden NFL, AC Revelations...and in Europe, FIFA 12, LA Noire, Saints Row 3. Wii had several titles as well that are exclusive to them on the global sales charts. But in the US and Europe, the vast majority are all 3rd party titles with cross platform options. And in most cases globally, and especially in the North American market, the 360 outsells the PS3 with regards to these multi-platform titles.
Compound that with the recent remarks that now more people use the 360 for entertainment over gaming, as you can see why MS has had a shift from the Sony approach of IP madness. Lets be honest, Sony's exclusives in 2011 were far more in terms of depth of quality over the 360, yet the 360 continued to do well based on a couple exclusives, heavy sales from 3rd party titles, and of course its gold membership and entertainment options. HBO GO, MLB network, Netflix, Youtube, Facebook and I would imagine with the acquisition of Skype, it won't be long before that's intigrated.
Given the sales, and the trend within its marketplace, I don't see why they need to turn out more studios to generate more titles. Pick a few, have them developed. Rare of course will, then you have probably Alan Wake 2, this Crytek project in Ryse (kinect hybrid?), Halo 4, another Fable and Forza...that's probably enough. Because afterall, we all want Bioshock, AC, the next Call of Duty or Battlefield, Boarderlands 2..and all of thsoe are available on either platform
[QUOTE="Hells_rebelion"]I think it's fair. A whole new story, new'ish guns, maps, new multiplayer items. Just play the dang game, if you don't want to play then don't mess with it.airshocker
No graphics engine update. No innovative changes. The gameplay feels exactly like MW2 and Black Ops.
Just because they throw a few more guns in there and re-skin their maps doesn't make it a great game. It makes it a mediocre game with multiplayer that has been doing the SAME thing over and over again. Sorry, you don't get to add a new multiplayer mode and call it new.
That's a rather subjective view, and indeed an opinion which you are entitled to, but by no means a factual account. Many games have an existing formula that relies on repetition... Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, AC, Bioshock 2 etc are all sequels that draw on gameplay that we have already experienced. Should we not have any future Madden or FIFA games because, well, they are essentially the same games with a few tweaks and some new stats? In the end, the community will decide the question of repetitive gameplay. Critical reviews on MW3 (metacritic) have this at about 90, which would indicate that your arguments about mediocrity are perhaps more of a personal opinion not shared by the masses. My guess is that this well set strong sales numbers, reflecting a continued demand for this type of shooter, and that the next CoD series game will sell just as well if not more based on the desire to play these types of games. Personally, my issue with the CoD series is that is favors much more of a run and gun type style of gameplay....perhaps BF3 can be a bit more tactical with larger maps and vehicles to consider, but that's a preference of mine. In the end, CoD has a love it / hate it relationship with gamers, and that's probably not going to ever change. It's the standard right now, like it or not, for FPS gameplay and as such will receive feedback from both camps that can be at times irrational.I don't see how you guys can still be defending MS at this point. The 360 is on life support for the hardcore gaming crowd on the 360. The only reason the 360 is selling so well now is because casuals are flocking to Kinect. Gears 3 is the saving grace for core gamers on 360 this year and of course multiplats that can be played on other consoles/PC. I am getting tired of them throwing us the same old crap ( Halo, Gears, Fable, Forza) and kinect shovelware and think thats good enough. If they give another lackluster E3 press conference next year I will be selling my 360 and buying a Wii U to go along with my ps3.
Really? name a hardcore game out there in the market that is multiplatform in which the 360 didn't outsell the PS3 version. I think Mortal Combat is the only one I can think of for this year. LA Noire? Week 2, already 130,000 more units sold on the 360. Dirt 3? 360 leads. Brink? Almost double PS3 sales. Portal 2...not even close. Crysis 2? almost 300,000 more.Notice a trend???? So, when you say its on life support with hardcore gamers, what exactly do you mean?
Multi-platform games excel on the 360, and that's not a knock on the PS3, its just that the on-line community and software sales numbers simply favor MS right now. It certainly isn't shifting as you assert. Quite the opposite actually. You might have a point that Kinect Sports is going to sell more units than Killzone 2, but can you blame MS for that? Lets not explore a casual market and expand company sales because it might piss off ShadowNinja87? Really? True, Halo, Gears, Fable...all sequals. But isn't PS3 also guilty of that? Is Uncharted, Resistance, Infamous, and Killzone not sequals as well? I suppose we should just call up and tell them to kill Skyrim, Bioshock Infinate, MW3, Battlefield 3, Darksiders 2 etc because, well, it's not "new". By the way, the new Gears Horde modelooks insane....tower defense with upgrades between waves based on earnings for kills and player assists? Crazy Boss matches every 10th wave, with challanges issued while you play (exp no one dies during the wave). That alone makes it a buy for me. Happy they made it. You don't like MS and the 360, don't play it...go get your WiiU and PS3 and be happy with what you have.
Of course. I think Sony has a lot of momentum running into this as they have many of their flagship titles so to speak ready to release. Its an impressive lineup. MS is going to hit with Gears 3, Forza 4 and then what? This Codename Kingdoms Crytek game should be on display, but we haven't seen any game footage or much of a trailer (what they did show was cool, but doesn't tell much about the game). X-Com looks interesting, maybe a LA Noire fighting aliens type game? I would imagine some Halo stuff, possibly two games, a remake of Halo CE and a trailer for a new one. First Templar doesn't look that good to me, but that's just me. Then it really is rumorville. Alan Wake 2? Perfect Dark 2? We should see a good number of exclusive, or in lundy's world, arbitrary exclusive claims by MS, with the XBLA titles....Hybrid, Trenched, Twisted Shadow Planet, Spelunky, maybe a Shadow Complex 2 (rumor as well). I imagine we will also see MS goes strong on Kinect, hopefully showing Steel Battalion (rumored hybrid controller but with Kinect HUD display and head tracking, etc...which for Chromehound fans, would be great, but then again, who knows), Rise of Nightmares, Haunt, Draco, Codenamed D, and Child of Eden which isn't an exclusive except if you want to play it hands free. Star Wars I imagine will be there as well. Lots of possible exclusive titles, but there is much, much more uncertainty with the MS line-up as opposed to Sony this year. Personally, I want to see Rage, Skyrim, Bioshock and Borderlands 2I find it funny that cows think the 360 won't have anymore titles coming out this year let get real here both ps3 and 360 will have good muilplats titles and exclusive coming out this year
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