@Hig1134 I know that, i was referring to it as the next halo in the same way they were, but thank you for participating in my study to figure out If ps3 makes people stupid, conclusion: yes
Microsoft's already working on building the next halo while sony is just ripping it off. I guess we can add another AAA ip that will sell more than any sony exclusive to microsoft's list.
@Rivboets7 @bubba_1988 I mean exclusives, Microsoft cant control whether or not 3rd parties have online passes, but they can choose for their exclusives, ms chooses to not have them while $ony does.
@Rivboets7 I have, wait, are tomb raider and halo not part of the uncharted and killzone series? I couldn't tell because uncharted and killzone ripped them off so bad.
@Rivboets7 it cost 300$ but its worth 300 cents, it's not worth the gas money to take it to gamestop to trade in. And no I don't I just found it in my own garbage can because someone wanted to get rid of it so bad they didn't even bother to take it to the dump, I should go through people trash though because I'd probably find a good vita and a copy of ps all stars.
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