Apparently Ubi punish you for wanting wanting to play this game offline. I've read that going offline resets all of the skills accumulated to zero.
I've cancelled my PC copy of this game. Back to Dark Souls 2 It Is. At least that game Is consumer friendly enough to offer the choice to play offline without being punitive.
The green screen part was brilliant, Its cold and grey outside In London today but this made me smile so much.
Hilarious way to showcase some of the arguments to which there Is no right or wrong, just personal choice. Also, Steam sales are great and there Is no reason to go overboard with the purchases, after all the same games will be on sale again at some point.
I'm not one of the people who believes that all reviews are paid off. However, people are correct to question everything. I also don't use the term "conspiracy theorist" because Its used by the mainstream media to label everybody who does not accept the official story as a loon.
Games aside, history has shown us just how corrupt things are when big money Is Involved, just look at the banking system. Also, the psych part Is hilarious, people are weary for all manner of reasons, not necessarily because of direct negative experiences.
I don't mistrust Gamespot's reviewers or Its reviews but many of the younger people on here do. Indeed, some of the comments are sometimes quite far fetched. However, the fact that these young people don't Instantly trust everything makes me smile with joy. Are game reviews largely bought off, no, I don't think so but no doubt It has happened before. Either way Its great to see people questioning things.
This could be great for Dark Souls 2 on the PC. I personally find that on the ms controller the triggers are sometimes not fast enough or do not register for parrying.
Sanguis_Malus' comments