There's no rage, like nerd rage.. Seriously all this constant sh*t throwing "gamers" do over the stupidest and pointless of things, it's gotten to the point where i don't even want to be grouped into this "gamer" demographic.. Oh, I love video games.. but don't call me a "gamer" it's practically a racial slur for me at this point. Self entitled little sh*ts.
@burgeg I completely agree with you but you hit the nail on the head in your first paragraph. "do people really want the death of dedicated handhelds?" Yeah.. I would say that they do, people no longer want the best quality, they want what's cheap and easy.. Apples app store is easy to use for pretty much everyone and everything is cheap as dirt. I've said this countless times but the quality of interactive experiences priced at 99 cents is never going to compare with a game priced at 30 dollars, and i'm glad you feel the same way. Unfortunately people are starting to forsake the idea of "get what you pay for" in place of "Hey look some garbage flash game i could've played on the internet for free years ago, for 99cents!" I really hate this Apple infatuation that almost every god damn website seems to be vomiting from their hipster, yuppie, mouths. Yes everything is easy to use on the App store, great! but what i want are games and the ones offered ( while getting more ambitious in scope ) fail to ENTERTAIN me even as much as Gameboy games from 20 years ago did. /end rant.
@Aero_Slasher.. I agree completely.. I also don't have a lot of money to spend on gaming, so i usually buy games super cheap on steam when they have sales or just buy older games that are just cheaper by default, in fact most of my games are at least 4 or 5 years old or more.. hell if i had the money i'd spend 3000$ on a crazy gaming PC and be set for years.. but that's simply not the case.
Another thing people should never buy used are condoms.. Nobody in their right mind would purchase a "previously enjoyed" condom. If people want to buy used games that's their business, there's nothing wrong with that.. sometimes you can't even find certain games brand new anyway so the only option is used.
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