Yay what a waste of article space. Now I know why he scored Tenchu Z so low, it didn't give him achievement points fast enough. The overall quality of gamespot has really dropped in the last year. And for the record, having a super high gamer score doesn't make you cool... it shows how little of a life you really have.
Honestly load times really don't bother me. And I think most of the complaints about load times come from fanboys who want a reason to say why their system is better (in this case the DS) no matter how trivial the issue is. Besides you know how stupid it sounds to say "I'm buying system A because load times are better". I don't know about the rest of you, but I myself buy a system for the games. I like the games on the psp so I own a psp, and I hope the same can be said about DS owners. To buy a system simply because of trivial matters or b/c a certain company makes it is just foolish.
Santas_Hitman's comments