Santhin / Member

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How to make an FPS

Are you thinking about making an FPS? No? Well you should be! No genre requires less thought to construct a game in it, why, you'll even be criticized if you don't use someone elses already well established game engine as a backbone for it! Big time developers and indie crews looking for their big break can make use of this guide alike, provided free of charge. Simply check the answers to the ten question quiz below that appeal to you, and you'll be on your way to the new release of your dreams!

  1. Your game takes place...
    • during World War II
    • in the future in space
    • in the future somewhere that looks like World War II
    • in an alternate version of World War II that's either futuristic or magical
  2. Your main character is an emotionless...
    • scientist/writer/janitor/other unlikely hero career that bears little to no impact on the plot
    • marine
    • space marine
    • wizard marine
  3. The advertised gimmick of your game will be...
    • a weapon that uses your physics engine somehow
    • its cover system
    • squad control
    • more realistic grey and brown coloring than the last grey and brown colored game to be released
  4. The antagonists of the game that threaten your nigh unkillable hero are of course...
    • aliens
    • zombies
    • nazis
    • alien nazis
    • zombie nazis
    • caveman nazis
  5. Though there will be a lot of weapons in the game to use, the only one the player will have to rely on is...
    • the weapon that uses your physics engine somehow
    • the starting rifle
    • the rifle your antagonists (from now on reffered to as 'nazis' for simplicity sake) are carrying and always drop ammo for.
    • your one hit kill knife/wrench/fist/boot/wizard hat
    • the unlimited ammo quicksave button
  6. Though your game has a short runtime, it'll make up for that with...
    • multiplayer
    • collectables
    • varied difficulty levels
    • greyer and browner nazis than anyones seen before
  7. To bring people into your game, you'll want to combine the adernaline of combat with...
    • horror themes to keep players on their toes
    • slightly homoerotic overtones of brotherly comraderie
    • very homoerotic overtones of brotherly comraderie
    • cursing
    • homoerotic cursing
  8. Despite the short run time, to keep people from getting bored you'll provide a break in the action with...
    • cutscenes
    • vehicle sequences with awkward controls
    • stealth sequences with awkward controls
    • nazi stacking puzzle minigame with awkward controls
    • slightly different looking grey and brown nazis who carry weapons you can't pick up for some reason
  9. Though your game may feature multiple types of multiplayer, you'll specialize in...
    • co-op
    • four player deathmatch
    • barren online multiplayer
    • broken online multiplayer
    • competitive nazi stacking puzzle minigame
  10. Congratulations! Your game has released! Your first DLC...
    • fixes all the bugs your rushed game had when sent to market
    • was the end of the game you'ld already finished but figured you could charge five more bucks for
    • makes your space marine look like a wizard marine (or vice versa!)
    • unbalances or destroys whatever multiplayer mode people were enjoying

Well, I hope that helps everyone!