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Edited By Saphire_Kitsune

None of gamespot's captions were funny. =/

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Edited By Saphire_Kitsune

Don't know any WoW players, have never even played ANY MMO myself. So I have no decent opinion on it, other then the fact that I have been tempted purely because it does look so "addicting." But I wouldn't have time for it anyways and no specific MMO has grasped my attention enough to buy (if I could ever actually afford it.) What's unfair though is nearly all of the "symptoms" they listed for video game addiction I experienced even before I had heard of video games. Blame life for that. Though I probably strayed to video games because of life and it's "cruelness." To "get my mind off of it" is my general reason to play, but I'm equally excited to play a new game and have been known to play them anywhere from 2 to even 8 hours a day (blaming KH2 for the latter, as I never play even new games much longer then the earlier time now.) Though as I said before in a previous comment, after the credits catches back up with me and I'll only play the game for 1-2 hours a week--if at all for a while. I have a lot interest in video games, along with several other things. So they all even each other out... Each time I get free time where I'm not tired, I sit for a minutes and think of all the things I could do. Play video games, watch movies, draw, etc? Though when I get upset and can't simply "sleep it off" for now, the first thing I think about doing is playing video games. Can't exactly sketch when I'm angry, as I have to be at least fairly content to pull off a decent piece. ^^; To wrap this up--as I said game addiction IS REAL! But they simply haven't done enough of the RIGHT kind of research on it. And seem to come to some false conclusions or filter out some very important things like how the person was BEFORE playing games--and why they choose to play them. :/

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Edited By Saphire_Kitsune

Also wanted to add about the "Ryan’s research showed that those who spent more than 20 hours a week gaming showed negative mood swings and symptoms of depression."... Ever think about if they'd be like that even without/before the games? And/or if they play all those games because they feel like it'd help make them feel better (even if they weren't?) Those people could have had really rough lives and find no more happiness or see no more good from people or even the world in general, so they just "happen" to swing to material comforts. In that case, games. So now we call them "addicts"? Because that's where they found happiness and try to achieve it as much as possible (addicted to happiness?) Fine, then call me an addict of learning about animals, call me a video game addict, call me a movie addict, call me an art addict, call me an addict of anything that I enjoy doing a lot. Why don't you just call me an addict to breathing as well? *eye roll* I do believe in gaming addiction, just like drug and gambling addictions. But in most cases they classify as a "video game addiction", it's nothing of the sorts. :/

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Edited By Saphire_Kitsune

Obviously if the person collapses or even dies from playing a game too long--it's an obsession/addiction (though they didn't die from the games themselves as much as it was from a combination of exhaustion and/or starvation. Some may have even died due to heart problems as something even slightly stressful in the game could have triggered it or made things worse.) But the stories of people actually "killing" for things related for games are not from game addiction in my opinion (most cases anyways.) But rather an underlying medical mental condition that just happen to have even slight connection the games. In those cases, it could have happened with anything (video games, movies, money, cars, cell phones, anything.) In there mind, they have to have/get whatever they want or else (the "else" in such extreme cases are sparked by general mental problems and anger issues.) That can also be from spoiled kids who are used to getting their way all the time... Ever notice how hardly any crimes like that don't make it to the news unless they have something to do with the latest trend or the most controversial subject at the time (you don't exactly see many stories of crime having to do with emotional issues as much as material ones. Not because they don't happen as much, but because it's reason is not the "latest issue" and/or there's no"thing" to blame.) I personally know I'm not "addicted" to games though they unfairly list some normal things I sometimes go through as "symptoms of a gaming addict." Yes, I'm passionate about the games I like, and want to stay in the know about games in general, but that's not the only thing I love to do. I love art, anime, classic/good movies, animals, etc. And it's because I love other things that I don't play video games as much as other "core gamers" Though, I'll admit--if I had more money, I'd maybe play more games. But maybe those brought up wealthy who own hundreds--even thousands of games don't play anymore then we do because they can have any game they want--so it just doesn't seem that special to them anymore. Those who can't afford many games are likely the enjoy playing them more (like me and certain songs--I love it when it comes on the radio and love it when I buy it...for only the first few plays. But because I do have it and can listen to it whenever I wish, it just doesn't seem as special as it was when I could only hear it rarely on the radio.) Along the lines of "don't know what you have until you lose it", but this time it's more like "don't know what you want until you get it." I'll play a new game for up to a few hours each day (sometimes longer ^^; ), but that's exactly like renting a new movie or buying a new book--you just want to rush on through it to see what happens at the end. But as soon as I hit the credits (before I even try to go for 100%), I grow tired and life catches back up to me (like a brick to the head XD ). Leaving me no time and energy for games, though I had reached my current minor goal. So I'm the type that'll play a lot at one point, but not even look at the game for another. That's how I kind of even out my "self control" of games. *sigh* Indeed I use games as a release (it's not like I can stomp my feet and cry in front of everyone XD ) So what? I also do that via movies, anime and art. And I'm not a social as most would consider acceptable (though I was like that even before I had heard of video games, if anything they've helped stabilize my emotions (I am a girl after all XD ), but life marches on and the tougher it gets--the more you want to take a "break" from it...if just for a few minutes sitting in front of a screen...

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Edited By Saphire_Kitsune

What's with all of the negativity 'round here? :/ Don't like it, then don't buy it. Simple as that.

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Edited By Saphire_Kitsune

Nice. Y'know, if they come out with better games I just might get this thing...

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I can't wait! ^^

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Edited By Saphire_Kitsune

I love moving crates and such in zelda games to solve puzzles, but when they just fill a room full of them for no reason at all, that's when things start to get annoying. But if there's one thing I can't take, it's lousy voice acting...

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Edited By Saphire_Kitsune

The Legend of Zelda series. Bombs, arrows, magic jars, potion, rupees and...MILK?! And a fairy if you're lucky. But those are just some things you can collect in the games. Mask, weapons, charms, and so many more. Enough treats for me in just a couple of those wonderful Zelda games...

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Edited By Saphire_Kitsune

Wow, a whole lot of stuff packed into that thing. I hope those three years were enough to prevent it from being one of those systems with bugs a few days after it's released like with the 360.

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