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No! The Ravens Lost!

The Baltimore Ravens are my favorite football team! And they lost against the Colts! Not cool. I lost  bet to one of my former teachers that the Ravens would win...

I hope the San Diego Chargers get their butts handed to them!

My boyfriend, Patrick, was so nice to me at the B-Ball game. Veranikah, one of my former BFF's, was hitting on him and everything. She was trying to kiss him and she was messing with his phone! She tried to delete my number off of it! Also, she put a bunch of 'I love You' crap on it. Grr!

He told me I was the only girl for him though...that made me feel a little better.

I scored 16 points at the basketball game. It was awesome! I have been the top scorer all season (2 games so far). LoL