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Rock Band Review

Since I'm always talking about Rock Band, I figured I'd post my review in a blog so people can maybe share my liking for the game.

Rock Band is a game unlike any other. Some say it's just Guitar Hero with a few added instruments. Well the few added instruments make Rock Band so exciting. The Mic is basically what you would expect. You sing into it and basically it measures your pitch and timing and scores you based on close you sang to the song. The higher difficulties are just stricter and have a smaller pitch range. The drums are the most exciting part of the game. They are the most original part of the game and they are really fun for all levels of players. The easy and medium songs are great for new players and non-drummers. But the expert songs....some of them are nearly impossible. It's just a really great and unique experience. The guitar and bass are fun, not nearly as hard as GH overall but still fun to play. The extra set of buttons and the highlighted solos are really fun and the new look of the notes just make it look like a polished game. The best part of Rock Bnad is playing online in a four person band. It's just really fun to see all the parts playing as one band especially if they're all good. I usually play guitar while my brother drums and it's just really fun. The songs are mostly good.. My favorite songs to sing are Say It Ain't So by Weezer, Creep by Radiohead, and Foreplay/Long Time by Boston. I've only sang a couple. My favorite guitar songs are Green Grass and High Tides, Say It Ain't So, Maps, and Don't Fear The Reaper. My favorite drum songs are Won't Get Fooled Again, Foreplay/Long Time, Don't Fear The Reaper, and Wave of Mutilation. These aren't the best songs on the game, I was just naming a few that I really like to play. However, every game has a downside. The downside for Rock Band is the instrument quality. There are a lot of complaints about drum pedals breaking which isn't good. My drum pedal is still in good shape but my guitar actually stopped working after a couple weeks. It will no longer down-strum. But this happened conveniently right when EA came out with the warranty saying they would replace broken guitars or drum pedals for free. I got the new guitar yesterday and it works fine and it feels much better. Overall, Rock Band is just a great, fun, pick-up-and-play game with awesome gameplay!

9.5 Freakin Awesome