So one day i was bored and i was thinking of what to do
so i wrote a review for a game, not a game i particularly like but nevertheless played and had my own opinion on.
so i write this review knowing all to well that some of the 'die-hard' fans of this game might be a bit annoyed that i gave their holy grail a bad review, because in my eyes its a bad game.
But the best bit wasn't that, but who someone took offence from a review stating my opinions on a game.
So much so the review has been removed and now i suppose i can be labelled racist for discriminating against dwarves and pixie.
Nevertheless i feel annoyed, I didn't write it to cause offence and it was there to give people another point of view then that of
"OMGz thiz g4me iz teh r0ckz0r!!!!!111!"
but i guess that this is what can be expected of political correctness gone wrong to the point of the internet.