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Chapter 8 (plus a question for all of you guys + a quizzie!)!!!!

Chapter 8 submitted! Oh, but before you click on the link, read the rest of my blog first, please. Question: How do you add a category (like if the book you want to write a fanfic for isn't in the categories)? Please can someone comment and tell me, I'd really appreciate it :) *looks hopeful*

Revenge is a Dish Best Shared by Three People

Enjoy! :D

Quizzie stolen from one of Una's older blogs, one which Una stole from Ashleigh:


1. ...cheated on someone? Nah, I've never dated anyone or anything like that
2. ...fallen off the bed? No! :o That would be scary. I sleep in a bunk bed.
3. ...broken someone's heart? Most probably not.
4. ...had your heart broken? Kinda, but not really, if you know what I mean
5. ...had a dream come true? Maybe one or two...
6. ...done something you regret? Um... probably about 10,000 things, but sometimes bad things have to happen in order for good things to happen, if you know what I mean ;)


1. What do you/did you want to be when you finish(ed) school? A coroner. Honestly, I am so addicted to CSI that my job choice is based on it.
2. What has been the best day of your life? I dunno, my life's pretty mediocre, as lives go, but if Jorja replies to my letter, the day I get her reply will be the best day of my life! :D
3. What comes first in your life? Maybe my books/computer
4. What are you most scared of? Oh I dunno...
5. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Ooh, my legs are itchyyyyyyy (I have eczema)
6. Did you lose someone you really loved? Who hasn't.
7. Love your family?Depends on who in my family..


1. Wearing? Purple shirt, black shorts, green windbreaker
2. Like anyone? Define "like".

3. Have any piercings? Ears
4. Drive? Too young.
5. Ever Smoked? Die all smokers, DIE!!!! Didn't change Una's answer, but I have to add: Don't die if you're my friend/close relative. Just try to quit.
6. Tattoos? Nopey


1. Movie: Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties
2. Song: Who are you, who who who who (yes, the CSI theme song)
3. Ice Cream Flavor: Tough... I'd go for coffee, vanilla, chocolate chip, green tea, or After Eights (yes that is a ice cream flavor as well as being a chocolate)
4. Fruit: Peaches/nectarines
5. Candy: Why do you delight in torturung me? Alrighty then, if I had to choose one it would be TOFFEE
6. Day of the Week: Thursday. Double period Science, single Tech. NO CHINESE!!!
7. Colour: Tough again. If I had to go for just one it would be black.

1. to give hugs? No one I know likes to receive hugs, so you figure out the rest, Sherlock
2. to walk in the rain? Depends. If it isn't cold, yeah.
3. ...prefer black or blue pens? Black
4. to travel? Yep
5. ...sleep on your side? Only when my nose is stuffed.
6. ...have a goldfish? Nah.
7. ...ever have the falling dream? A few times.
8. ...have stuffed animals? A couple.

1. Pierced nose or tongue? Neither, but if I had to choose: nose
2. MTV or BET? Um... excuse me? What?
3. 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? What (again)? Are we on the same planet here?
4. Sugar or salt? Salt.
5. Silver or gold? Silver
6. Chocolate or flowers? Chocolate. It tastes better than flowers.
7. Colour or Black-and-white photos? Depends on what the photo is of.
8. M&Ms or skittles? M&Ms 4eva! Skittles are too sweet.
9. Stay up late or sleep in? Both. All the time.
10. Hot or cold? Cold.
11. Ketchup or mustard? Ketchup
12. Spring or Fall? Autumn.
13. Happy or sad? Happy!
14. Wonder or amazement? Amazement
15. Mexican or Italian food? Have to go for Italian.
16. O.C. or Laguna Beach? See the answer above about Dawson's Creek.