STEP ONE : Spell your name with bands/artists:
C arrie Underwood
H ilary Duff (if she can be considered an artist)
A vril Lavigne
R ed Hot Chilli Peppers
L ed Zeppelin
O zzy Osbourne
T he Beatles
T ina Turner
E minem
-- The shoes you wore today : Flip-flops
-- Your weaknesses : Vomit
-- Your fears: My piano teacher, Weird Old Men With Bad Grammar
-- Your perfect pizza :Ham & Cheese (no pineapple, surprisingly. I don't like pepperoni either. Must be a genetic thing. My dad hates pepperoni.)
-- Goal you'd like to achieve : Become a coroner
-- Your best physical feature : Elbow (what? I like it)
-- Your bedtime : Anytime between 11pm-3am
-- Most missed memory : I dunno
STEP FOUR : This Or That...
-- Pepsi or Coke : Sprite
-- McDonalds or Burger King : BK
-- Adidas or Nike : Nike
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : Lipton
-- Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
-- Cappuccino or Coffee : Latte
STEP FIVE : Do You...
-- Smoke : No, it stinks
-- Sing : Only in my head
-- Dance : Nope, I suck at coordination
-- Take a shower everyday : Vital in this tropical climate.
-- Have a crush : Yeah... kinda
-- Think you've been in love : No
-- Want to go to college: Yeah
-- Like(d) high school : Not in high school yet, but I don't think I'll like it. All those "popular people" *shudders* Not that there aren't popular people in my life right now.
-- Want to get married : Maybe...
-- Get motion sickness : No
-- Think you're attractive : Um, not physically
-- Think you're a health freak: No, unless mini-marshmallows are healthy
-- Get along with your parents : Most of the time
-- Play an instrument : Piano
STEP SIX : In the past month, have you...
-- Gone to the mall: No, I always feel guilty when I spend money :oops:
-- Eaten Sushi : Does seaweed wrapped around plain rice count? I hate fish...
-- Been on stage : Yeah
-- Been dumped : I've never been dumped (or been the dumper)
-- Gone skating : Yesterday
-- Made homemade cookies : Hell, I've NEVER done that!! I don't even have an oven!
-- Gone Skinny dipping: I don't want to face an indecent exposure charge and be fined
-- Stolen anything: Candy from my sister
-- Played a sport: Does typing count? I typed so much over the Easter holidays, I thinkn I've got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
-- Age you hope to be married: Did I say I actually WANTED to get married?
-- Numbers of Children : I don't think I want children. They drive me round the bend. (Frankly, I drive myself round the bend too)
-- Describe your dream wedding: See answer to question one of step seven
STEP EIGHT : In the opposite sex...
-- Best eye color? : I don't care, as long as he's smart and preferably likes CSI
-- Best hair color? : See answer to above question
-- Short hair or long hair? : Short
-- Height : See answer to question two of step eight
-- Best weight : See answer to above question
-- Best articles of clothing: See answer to above question
-- Number of people I could trust with my life : Zero. Not even myself.
-- Number of CDs that I own : Um, I've never actually admitted this to anyone, but I do not own any CDs. That's right. None at all. Go on, say it. I know you want to. All together now: SAAAAD.:(
-- Number of tattoos : Zero
-- Number of piercings :Ears
--Last dollar spent: Grapefruit soda (hell, that was like a week ago)
--Last beverage:Iced tea
--Last movie: Bee Movie
--Last phone call: Vivian
--Last song played: See answer to "number of CDs that I own". Figure it out.
--Last thing you ate: Grilled cheese sandwich
--Have you ever dated a best friend: Never dated anyone, period
--Have you ever skinny dipped: You asked that already
--Have you ever lost someone you loved: Who hasn't?
--Have you ever been dumped: You asked that already too
--Have you ever been drunk and threw up: Too young to drink
--Have you ever ran away: Wrong grammar. Should be "run away". No.
--Have you ever wanted someone you thought you couldn't have then found out they liked you: I don't think I've ever found out that someone likes me, so... NO.
1. Prince Edward Island
2. Antarctica
3. Paris
4. Los Angeles
5. New York
6. Barcelona
7. Sicily