Some Little Things That Happened To Me Over The Last Few Days...
by Sasquatch_223 on Comments
1. Last week or something, I ordered a new CSI novel and a new Calvin & Hobbes comic. 2. Yesterday, I showed Mr. Gillis (he's my Science teacher) my sea urchin photos, and he said they were "excellent". Yay! 3. Today I was told to choose a disease to do an assignment on, I wanted to get psychosis but it was taken, so I chose Multiple Sclerosis instead. 4. Monday: Izzy accidentally broke our rotten vinegar-soaked boiled cell membrane egg (not her fault) and my lab group didn't get to bounce the egg and slice it open. Plus, at the end of the lesson, I had to throw the gunky eggy vinegary hot watery stinky mixture in the beaker away, since I was the only one not TOTALLY DISGUSTED with the smell. Mind you, I didn't LOVE it, but I didn't exactly throw up either. Besides, it's good training for the stink I'll have to endure if I ever become a coroner. 5. The Chinese Funeral Boys (Curtis, Benson, Samson, Ryan, Rick, and Kenny) were nonstop Skyping in every class. I sit next to Ryan and Benson in English, and next to Curtis in Humanities, so I knew exactly what they were chatting about. RUNESCAPE!!! Or: run escape, which was their typically uncreative (increative? Decreative?) "code name" for that horrible computer game. 6. This actually happened a long time ago, but I'm quite proud of it. I got a 9/10 (Knowledge & Understanding) and a 8/8 (Presentation & Organization) for my Humanities poem. Whoop-de-doo! Yuki, who sits across from me, only got a 2/10!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry, I can't help evilly laughing at people when they get lower marks than me. Signed: Doer Of All Things Stupid, Charlotte ;););) P.S. I haven't mentioned my nationality or anything. Anyone care to guess? Post a comment! I really want to know whether I write like an American, a Canadian, an Australian or a Britishian (dunno what the actual term is???)