Well ive been reading up on alot of upcoming or already released games lately and it seems that the Movie industry is going for another generation of video game based blockbusters. In my opinion its going to fail just like the last go around. Here's just a few that they decided to come up with that over all were terrible movies...
Bloodrayne 1 & 2
Resident Evil Trilogy
Max Payne
Tomb Raider Series
Now im not going to say you wont find a couple of these movies in my DVD collection, but over all they were pretty bad movies. Now on this go around this is the MULTIPLE! video games I have read up on that there could possibly be movies in production.
Gears of War
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Prince of Persia
Halo (which is no longer in production, Peter Jackson dropped it)
MassEffect (which I will say im excited about)
The Sims (?)
Dante's Inferno
Army of Two
and im sure there will be many more to come, now im pretty sure about half of these will be scrapped or fall through. Some of these might actually come out to be good movies, while others as we all know could come out to be horrid movies. But I just thought I would let everyone know about the new updates on Video Game based movie Genre's.
Please Comment, and give me your opinions!