Man-oh-man did I forget about this website. I haven't logged in since last school year!
Well, cutting to the chase, I'm back for now, hoping to be a part of this community again.
Skipping ahead, I've recently found myself becoming an addict of sorts. Not an addict of drugs or alcohol, not even videogames. I just seem to have become attached to things more easily, it kind of creeps me out. Like, for example,
Above: Quite possibly the most addicting game ever invented.
Above: Left to right: Dynames, Exia (blue) Virtue (white) and Kyrios Gundams
and for some reason, Maccaroni. I love it. I can't live without it.
In gaming news, I need a Wii, I don't need WoW, Guild Wars 2, I am still waiting for Huxley, I loathe Nazi Zombies, Halo ODST will be good, CODMW2 will kick gluteus maximus, I need a new GoW 2 copy, and I am the walrus.
Edit: On another note, I'd really like a name change, Sasuke is a piece of crud, and I don't exactly like One Piece the way I used to... a shame I can't change it.