Its the internet, everyone rages at everyone. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. In this case, if you can't take public response, don't talk in public. On an editorial side of that: How dare she offer a "fast-forward" feature to dialogue? When she watches movies, does she does skip to the sex and violence parts because her attention span is too low? Not only that, but she makes a connection between low attention span and female gamers and completely insults herself.
"Titelbaum does not believe that giving NPCs more human-like behaviour is the way to achieve this. To him, it is not humanity that will advance game AI, but rather, more unpredictable behaviour. " -- If im not mistaken...isn't one of the main themes that separate humanity and AI unpredictable behavior? If your human, your random! Either way, their all working towards our inevitable AI overlords it seems...
All looks pretty much same to me. Any comparisons of blu ray movies? ...oh wait that's right i forgot.... i guess high detailed specs that is impossible to notice aren't everything.
Damnit people, dont badmouth the PS3 just cause you cant afford it! Just wait for a price break...And i dont know about the rest of you, but top-of-the-line PS3 as soon as i can get my hands on one!
Sauron2's comments